Exploding Bullets - whatever happened to these...

This deserves repeating...

"Anyone who wants to "play" with black powder should take all the safety options available to them."

Excellent advice. Especially if you are not inclined to use reason and common sense when experimenting. Anything that burns, explodes or has the ability to destroy everything around it if used foolishly should not be used

[Moderator hat on]

Any explosive material, whether it's a primer, black powder, or RDX, loaded into a projectile, is done with no small amount of risk. While this thread is an interesting read, I strongly suggest that all the readers here keep it at that level only, and if you insist on doing otherwise, make sure your health insurance covers a visit to the emergency room. ;)

[/Moderator hat off]

That said, I have very little experience with black powder, and all of that was decades ago. Still, I seem to recall that one of the biggest risks involved an improperly seated ball. While burning black powder usually increases pressure at a relatively safe rate, any air space between the ball and powder allows a buildup of gases that will detonate. (Detonation being a true explosion, not burning.) Depending on the amount of space between ball and powder, the result can be catastrophic. This is the reason that black powder shooters notch a bench rod at the proper depth for a properly seated, specific load and ball. Admittedly, a drilled-out or hollow point bullet doesn't leave much room for an air space, but I don't think it's worth the risk to find out.