Experience with Gun Shows?

I guess I have to say it. Beanie Babies. Ya gotta look for the Beanie Babies.:eek:

Just kidding. I don't see them much anymore. But I don't go to gunshows much anymore either. I just can't think of anything I really need.:(
Gun shows aren't what they used to be, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy them. Yep, gotta pay a little for entry, but parking is usually free here. Still, it let's me wander around, handle some things I'm interested in, and shop for some deals. I don't think the deals are as widespread as they used to be, but can still be found.
It used to be that gun shows had tons of imported arms that were purchased cheap overseas, and sold at deals you couldn't get anywhere else before the internet. Great rifles and handguns you just couldn't get unless you went to the show and to the table of an importer who received a container of goodies.

I remember going with my father as a boy, and the WWII mill surplus stuff just mesmerized me. Awesome Mausers and Garands of every sort, and a constant trade of cool, war-trophy pistols.

I'm only 35, but I recall going with my dad when twenty years or more ago. I LOVED the shows, I didn't know much but I really enjoyed looking at everything. And I always came home with an MRE. (Then I enlisted, and got all I could ever want and more!)

But there isn't much left to import anymore when it comes to military surplus, unless we get some laws passed. Especially regarding full-auto. (Imagine all the Thompsons, BARs, etc!!!)

I've enjoyed going sometimes, get to see guns makes and models up close.

This is true, you may not buy them but it is nice to be able to wrap your hands around things to see how they feel.

This time I'll follow around the guys carrying three rifles to sell and after they've been walking around six hours I'll make an offer.

That was me at the last show I went to. Lugged around a Heavy Barrel Howa 1500 for several hours. I was about to give it away but no one seemed interested in carrying it to their car. I was half tempted to toss it on a dealers table and walk away. The financial loss would be worth the room in my gun safe!
My experience lately is that there are few deals and you really have to look to find them. In past years there was always good deals but not so much any more. Seems a lot of dealers want retail prices.
If you go to a large gun show with a pocket full of cash, a head full of knowledge, and guts to name a fair/good price you will pay, you can find good deals.
If you go to a large gun show with a pocket full of cash, a head full of knowledge, and guts to name a fair/good price you will pay, you can find good deals.
That's true and I have occasionally found treasures (though I haven't been to one in the last 5 years).

For the money paid on parking and entrance fees though, I'd rather just pay for the gas to go for a drive and explore out of the way pawn shops and off the beaten path gun stores.
I don't go to a lot of gun show's anymore. There are good deal at them but they are few and far between. Mostly what you have at them are really dealer's that don't have a store! But like I said, now and then! Best thing about them is all the stuff they bring in for you to see. Lot of junk being pawned off as valuable stuff!

Last show I went to I got a brick of Win LRP for $20, a steal. Also got 100 243 Win new cases for a bit over $20. There are deal's!
I would certainly prefer finding used firearms at gun shows, versus a bit of uncertainty of some of the internet sites. Unfortunately, my last gun show experience (Butler, PA, on 11/4/17) was not productive. I did my homework in advance for what I was looking for (Savage 99) and found several. Pricing was very high for condition and the very common models for sale, with dealers not really wanting to come down any on price (I typically will counter offer within 10 to 12% of the asking price for those guns I have a serious interest in). I had a price agreed to on one firearm, and the seller said we had to transfer the gun, to which I replied, no problem. Then he said, I forgot to add in sales tax, to which I decided to walk, as he insisted (prior) my payment to him be in cold, hard cash.
My experience? The local shows stopped being productive back in the 80's. Then came the jerky, the tasers, the guy selling the formula for making RDX in your kitchen sink, the Nazi stuff, etc.

The Reno guns is worth checking out though.
I actually did buy a gun at a gun show recently. Nice Mark IV 22/45 priced below the LGS. First time I've ever done that.
Then came the jerky, the tasers, the guy selling the formula for making RDX in your kitchen sink, the Nazi stuff, etc.

Well dang Slopemeno, if you SAW me there why didn't you come over and say 'howdy'?
Yes its tough to find good deal up here in northeast Florida , haven't been to one since the fall so hopefully will get better this winter
I enjoy the gun shows even here in CA , but I like guns and everything associated . If you've never been , it can be a fun time with friends . How ever if you are going for great deals that's not going to happen . Can you find good deals , oh yes but IMO you have to make an effort to do so . You're not going to just look around and seem great deals everywhere you look . Prices are going to be pretty much the same as your local stores or online .

I've found since I reload and CA is not the best place to find great varieties of components . The gun shows is a good place to find what I need ( Primers , powder and bullets ) especially . No local gun store in San Diego can beat the gun shows prices on those items .

On the whole they are not worth going to in CA anymore but I have found very good deals on things from time to time .