Executive Orders

From: Ivan8883 750PM EDT 6-9-99 That was fascinating report from 1952 when Judicial Branch shot dowm Executive order. But that was 1952 and here we are in 1999and<probablysounding quite pessamistic, I cant see this black robed crowd stopping any of Klintons orders in some kind of a soon future government power grab.Too many Americans are being dragged away to the governments political prisons afterthinking they had Constitutional rights in Federal Courts. These are martial law courts one must deal with today and defendents are dealing with a registered corporation when they are in Federal Courts today. Nothing wioll stand in the way of Comrades Executive orders when they are implemented, and I believe it will be before the end of the year, except the resistance of the people, hopefully a lot of people. Ivan
What is the status of the Supreme Court under Martial Law?

John/az2-The Stars and Bars refers to the battle flag of the Confederacy.The University of Mississippi,AKA ole Miss.AKA the Rebels used to wave Rebel Flags at football games etc. but no longer is allowed to because it offended some people.
Aint diversity wonderful,though?

Better days to be,
