Executive Orders

Bill M

Will someone please explain to me, in concise layman terms, just what a presidential executive order is, its origin, and its traditional use? Is there no citizen representation involved? Is it conceivable that one day soon our God-given right to own and use firearms may simply be "ordered" away?

I found this website on EO's a month or so ago, please forgive me I am still fumbling & bumbling along with this computer:
govctrl2.htm (I have a few others on this topic, but this pretty well sums it up)

This basically explains it all, Bill of Rights, EO's, and EO's that have already been signed. (Make sure you are sitting down while you read this.)

EO's become law by publication and BYPASS Congress completely. It basically gives our Prez free rein to do as he pleases, whenever it suits him. No, you have no vote, because you don't know when it's being done. By the time it's signed, it's a done deal.

(An ironic things comes to mind...I sit on the board of our HOA (Homeowner's Assoc.). IF we were to try and pull a stunt like this and rewrite part of our CC&R's (these are rules & regs that govern what we can & can't do to our homes, yards, etc.) without homeowner approval we can personally be held liable because we did not get a majority vote of homeowners. We could get sued! Doesn't it stand to reason that the same would hold true of these EO's?

I am still looking for a way out of this...EO's are in direct violation our Constitutional rights, since they (EO's) supercede our rights. Doesn't this sound illegal to you? Gonna have to drag out my battererd copy of the Constitution and reread it. Time to get creative.

The Prez should have no right to do this...our *founding fathers* had enough foresight to know that power was corrupting, which was why the Constitution was written the way it was. Gov't was there to help when help was needed, not to reign supreme.

Take our weapons? That should be the least of our worries.
EO's are another example of these jerks taking license by parsing.
EO's were meant to allow the Pres the ability to act in National interest during an emergency. We all know sometimes some action has to be taken immediately and can't wait for consensus and debate. Apparently FDR declared a national emergency back in the '30's and it has never been rescinded. As with all gov't once they have a form of power they never give it up.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I understand that Congress has 30 days to question or cancel the EO. With our Republican wimps in office, they have not questioned any EO. Same with Klintoon's appointments of 300 plus liberal activist judges. No spineless "moderate" republicans blocked any appointment. We are in deep do-do.
Gentlemen: Yes its true... sadly we are all but in chains, as he can at any time declare a state of emergency and his dictatorial E.O.s take over and FEMA becomes the law of the land, the supreme
controlling agency of the government.
He has wriiten about 40 E.Os I'm given to understand , and 8 of them written shortly after taking office , basically gut the Bill of Rights totally, including confiscating firearms, cotrol of all means of conveyance, food stuffs , and petrol, as well as housing...... keep reloading boys !!!!

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?
DC, I'm disappointed. You just sent for one now?

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
If you have any trouble finding a flag, just let me know. I'd be glad to send you one. If ever there was a rebel, it's you!

After all, Sicily is in southern Europe!
Enjoy your Stars and Bars while you can. Soon they,too,will be banned. The flag can no longer be waved at Mississippi athletic events because it offends some people.
Only specified groups may celebrate their heritage.

Better days to be,

I'm more of a Gadsden flag man, myself.

"All I ask is equal freedom. When it is denied, as it always is, I take it anyhow."
Gadsden is a great flag....but it is not as scary and "in your face" in these times as the Stars and Bars. Put it this way....Gadsden is acceptable in public schools

Ed... Like I care what the pezzonovante think or will accept? In another thread, I said I'm happy the 1st A is being attacked...expands the battlefield and pisses off a whole bunch more folk.

Let me put it this way....my infant son will live in a country as free or freer than I did at his age. Yeah, I'm am really enraged these days.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Y'all don't even get me started on the flag deal. I could ramble on, and on, and on....

Ed, i agree w/ you! it's funny how I'm not allowed to have pride in my heritage w/o stirring up a hornets nest... Damn'um! they'll never be able to take my pride of that away!!!

fiat justitia

You have GOT to be pulling my leg!

Are you saying that it is illegal to fly OUR country's flag at sporting events in Mississippi.?

Is Mississippi still a state of the Union or have they seceded?

Ship those bastards to a country that they don't find offensive, or don't allow them to play in ours!

PC, my @ss!!!


BTW, what is this "Gadsden" flag you all are talking about?


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."


[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited June 08, 1999).]

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

[This message has been edited by DC (edited June 08, 1999).]
From:Ivan8883@aol.com 6-8-99 1144AM EDT Finally I see people are waking up abit to these Executive Orders whichn our GUtless traitors in Congress have let Klinton pass,except for onewhich I forget off hand the number but it would HAVE DESTROYED STATES RIGHTS COMPLETELY ( I believe it was #33180 but I may have number wrong.) It does not matter because Big Comrade has so many other EO's that when martial law comes down(I believe it will under a Y2K scenario) all these other EO's will be plenty to put this nation and her people behind the 8 ball. Mt best prediction is that some states will resist Federal Martial Law(mainly Northwest States of Montana, Idaho, UtaH, Wyoming, maybe a few others). With Delta Force, especially NIghtstalkers out of Ft, Bragg and Marines both involved in Urban Warfare Operations in American cities and towns across the Nationin the last few years and right now in Richmond, Va., the scenario seems clear to me. Get masses used to Military troops in the streets for the time when they will be in the streets for the real thing.Thers is also no doubt in my mind that the many foreign troops here will help in the coming martial law scenario.The number of foreign troops already here including police units training and even ridingm with local police units is unknown.But , in what I have been hearing, the number is large and getting larger daily.(forty or fifty thousand Luftwaffe troops alone in New Mexico.(ranchers and farmers in west Texas complaining about flights of these Germans over their property.) Reports are coming down from patriotic people still left in military and police about plans ONe world US Un government has for America.If this sounds crazy and impossible,just think EXECUTIVE ORDERS and it all fits into place , in my opinion and the opinion of many others. Every day more and more Americans are seeing what USUN Govenment has planned for not only us but for peoples around the world. So elites running the One World set up have to move quickly before more people wise up to their Satanic plans of world dimination.Y2k will be their great world wide oportunity.
Another great flag to fly in these days of government power-grabbing would be the "Come and Take It" flag of Texian defiance. Flown in 1835 during the resistance of Texas colonists against the efforts of Mexican troop to capture a small artillary piece,
it dared the Mexicans to "Come and Take It",
just as we may have to do to our government before long.

At the risk of boring everyone to death, I have pasted below a url to the text of Youngstown v. Sawyer, the U.S. Supreme Court's slap on Harry Truman's wrist for trying to seize the steel mills by executive order. For whatever amusement you may take from it, this opinion is still good law. Indeed it is the grandaddy of all cases knocking down executive power, the most prominent subsequent cases being US v. Nixon, and, you guessed it, Clinton v. Jones. Also attached is what legal begals call the case "syllabus" sort of an unofficial summary of the case prepared by the clerk of the Supreme Court. The real juice is in the opinion, but the syllabi are generally good nutshells of the cases. The bottom line -- all is not lost. Courts do knock down raw exercises of executive power which cannot be traced by to constitutional grant or congressional delegation.

http://caselaw.findlaw.com/scripts/getcase.pl?court =US&navby=case&vol=343&invol=579

U.S. Supreme Court
YOUNGSTOWN CO. v. SAWYER, 343 U.S. 579 (1952)
343 U.S. 579
Argued May 12-13, 1952.
Decided June 2, 1952.

To avert a nation-wide strike of steel workers in April 1952, which he believed would jeopardize national defense, the President issued an Executive Order directing the Secretary of Commerce to seize and operate most of the steel mills. The Order was not based upon any specific statutory authority but was based generally upon all powers vested in the President by the Constitution and laws of the United States and as President of the United States and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. The Secretary issued an order seizing the steel mills and directing their presidents to operate them as operating managers for the United States in accordance with his regulations and directions. The president promptly reported these events to Congress; but Congress took no action. It had provided other methods of dealing with such situations and had refused to authorize governmental seizures of property to settle labor disputes. The steel companies sued the Secretary in Federal District Court, praying for a declaratory judgment and injunctive relief. The District Court issued a preliminary injunction, which the Court of Appeals stayed. Held:

1. Although this case has proceeded no further than the preliminary injunction stage, it is ripe for determination of the constitutional validity of the Executive Order on the record presented. Pp. 584-585.

(a) Under prior decisions of this Court, there is doubt as to the right to recover in the Court of Claims on account of properties unlawfully taken by government officials for public use. P. 585.

(b) Seizure and governmental operation of these going businesses were bound to result in many present and future damages of such nature as to be difficult, if not incapable, of measurement. P. 585. [343 U.S. 579, 580]

2. The Executive Order was not authorized by the Constitution or laws of the United States; and it cannot stand. Pp. 585-589.

(a) There is no statute which expressly or impliedly authorizes the President to take possession of this property as he did here. Pp. 585-586.

(b) In its consideration of the Taft-Hartley Act in 1947, Congress refused to authorize governmental seizures of property as a method of preventing work stoppages and settling labor disputes. P. 586.

(c) Authority of the President to issue such an order in the circumstances of this case cannot be implied from the aggregate of his powers under Article II of the Constitution. Pp. 587-589.

(d) The Order cannot properly be sustained as an exercise of the President's military power as commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. P. 587.

(e) Nor can the Order be sustained because of the several provisions of Article II which grant executive power to the President. Pp. 587-589.

(f) The power here sought to be exercised is the lawmaking power, which the Constitution vests in the Congress alone, in both good and bad times. Pp. 587-589.

(g) Even if it be true that other Presidents have taken possession of private business enterprises without congressional authority in order to settle labor disputes, Congress has not thereby lost its exclusive constitutional authority to make the laws necessary and proper to carry out all powers vested by the Constitution "in the Government of the United States, or any Department or Officer thereof." Pp. 588-589.

Bill DePaulo