Ever observe other shooters at the range?

The only bad shooting I truly worry about is mine. My range is on my property, so I'm lucky enough to get in 300 - 800 rounds a week. It doesn't seem that long ago that I can remember shooting like a true laugher. Occasional range visits are not generally conducive to quality shooting. There isn't always time to work on the skills and mind set drills one needs to work on to gain a comfort level and proficiency. I enjoy having shooters out to help each other with skills and accuracy. As with most things that are woth doing well it's practice practice practice. I don't have the luxury of being that good as to criticize.

I know there is a lot of show offs at the range that cant shoot for ----. I go shooting almost every sunday, and from what i see not to brag but i almost always out shot people there.I have spent over twenty yrs shooting for marksmanship.a young guy today asked what i was shooting when he seen my grouping which was my glock g19 9mm, He then replied that my glock was very accurate.He then stated his 45 was shooting low and left so we swaped guns i let him shoot mine and i shot his 45 taurus. The outcome his 45 taurus did shot low but once i adjusted i still was able to group ok. Then i looked at his target even though he did shot my glock better He still was all over the place on the paper.The guy then say thats it i am going to trade in my taurus for a glock then i replied no offense ,but train more before trading the gun in unless he rather train on a nine rather then a 45. He said you think.I felt like saying Da look at your target but i was nice and said practice makes better shooters.
I dont think anyone on this thread was critizing anyone for being a bad shot. The only thing I felt anyone looked down upon was lack of effort. .

There is a big difference between someone who is an average shot, or doing practical speed drills and someone who leans back, holds their gun as far away from their body as possible, looks AWAY from the target and shoots off an entire magizine as fast as possible, over and over and over again. I notice these people and I notice the guy who shoots 15 bullets in 10 seconds and puts everyone of them in one ragged little hole.

If you have ever played a game of billiards with someone who wasnt even trying to sink shots, just randomly hitting the cue as hard as possible then you might know better how I feel about those who shoot without the effort to shoot well.
I'm around people I don't know who have guns I'm not sure they know how to handle.
Yeah, I sort of think i'm paying attention to them.
And yes, I have left the range on occasion.

Who cares as long as their being safe? Sometimes its win win. My first time out with my Bushy at the 50 yrd line I wasn't doing so good and in between I'd watch the guys next to me and they had a 50DE and weren't hitting squat and were jammomatic'ing it by limp wristing. The obvious owner of it saw me watching them so I offered the advice that they were limp wristing it, which he denied so I offered to show him. I ran 2 mags through it without it jamming once and a respectable grouping. He thanked me and offered to show me how to shoot my AR. I was sure my ammo was my culprit and he proceeded to just drill the center out of the target with it. (Young guy just out of Basic). He had an unfamilier gun, I had an unfamilier gun...win win.

The ones that make me nervous is the crowd of gangbanger types who show up with a plethora of guns and show no semblence of doing anything right, and are there (showing off) teaching their GF's how to shoot.
have you all not taught your wives/girlfriends how to shoot, or is it that you prefer the single life?

My wife was winning shooting competitions when I was still a tiny little baby, so never had to worry about that.
My wife hated guns passionately when we first met. Now she accompanies me to the range fairly often and she is a decent shooter. Good QT for us. I was just saying, don't judge just because a guy is teaching his GF how to shoot. If he is showboating and knowitalling (?) that is a different story.