Ever hear of a "1000 inch" shoot?


Back in the 77, 79 time frame we used to afix a modified M16 (for a 22) on to the main gun of the M60A1 tank and have small Tanks,BMP, truck, bunkers and such on a flat berm that was about 5 foot high at about 75 to 100 feet out and practice a mini gunnery, I guess the Army was trying to save some money, they also tryed something called a TIP JIG,in 80,81 time frame used a 30 MM barrel inserted in to the main gun and fired a 30MM out of the 105.
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I shot the 1000 inch course back in 1971 when I was in the ANG. The target was a standard E silhouette target but instead of the 36 inch or so high full-size target, the 1000 inch target was the same shape but only about 10 inches high. It looked exactly the same as the 100 yard E target. We fired the M1/M2 Carbine on that course. This was before the AF/ANG switched over to M16 rifles.
1 to 36

to replicate the target of a 36 bull for 1000 yards you would need to use a 1 inch bull at 1000 inches. a full size man target would be @2" by 1/2 inch. i am not sure how to duplicate mirage and wind.
1000 inch range

We fired the 1000 inch range using a 1" bullseye target. This was equivelent
to 300 yards. Tougher shoot than 300 yards. We used the standard Army .22 cal long.
One problem I ran into when scaling targets down from very long to very short ranges was that the bullet was now much larger in relation to the target than it was before.

The result is that the bullet can miss by a much larger relative amount and still score a hit than it would otherwise.

For example, when shooting a 1" target (scaled down from a 36") target using a .222 caliber bullet, the center of the bullet can miss the 1" target by .1109 inches and still score a hit by having the bullet edge break the scoring boundary.

If you scale 0.1109" up to the size it would be at 1:36 scale, that's equivalent to the bullet missing the target by about 4 inches which obviously wouldn't still score a hit on the original full scale target. You could only miss the target by just under half the bullet diameter (.154" if you're shooting a .308") and still score a hit shooting at full range.

The effect gets worse as the scale factor increases.

So, if you want to correct properly, you need to also decrease the diameter of the scaled target by the bullet diameter. So instead of 1" for scaling down a 36" target at a 1:36 scale, if you're shooting it with a .22LR, the target size would need to be about 0.78" in diameter.

Now you have another problem because the target is considerably smaller (to the eye) than it should be. You can fix that problem by making the target full scale (1") but adding a thin white scoring ring at 0.78". That gives you a target that looks the same size to the eye but still keeps the scoring correct.
Is this similar to the Appleseed Ranges,,,

They shoot at 25 yards at scaled down targets,,,
They say it simulates the longer distances.

Also like rimfire silhouette,,,
They shoot scaled down targets as well.

Just curious is all.


As JohnKSa said, it's very decieving to think you are "close" because you barely hit the a scaled down target with the same size bullet. I've seen and been victim of this. We BZO'ed at either 25m or 36 yards on scaled down targets depending on if we had optics, and if you had a tight group just knicking the target, it would often result in misses once on the actual KD range. It is a good guideline of how you yourself are shooting and a rough idea of how your rifle is shooting. My biggest problem with it is that once in country, you had 10 rounds to get your rifle base line with this method. You may have the tightest groups and at 25m/36yds you may be "close" or knicking it, but the other guys lucky shot may be better then your very well placed shot with whatever dope you set based on that BZO.
It has been a long time,but in my ROTC days we trained with a pneumatic subcaliber device in the 81mm mortar.I seem to recall something about 1000 in with that,but it shot more that 25 yds.Could be the principle of 1 in represents one yard ,so targets out to about 75 + yds would be right.
Designed to be shot at 1000 inches which is 27.7 yards. That is why most of us shoot it at 25 yards or 25 meters if we have a metric set up available. A 3/4" bullseye and a 1/4" X ring will do you for simulated 1000 yard practice.
At least around here, when my Dad was a kid, they had 1000 inch matches for locals with 22 rifles. A methodist pastor who was also a gunsmith on the side got my father interested in it. My father still has the Marlin 39, with Marlin scope on it. The scope has never been adjusted since then according to my Dad, and still shoots great. This was back, early 50's or so.

He also has told me about encountering it in the military using a standard rifle, and reduced target. His college graduation gift from uncle sam was more school, and then a field trip in '65 to Korea on the DMZ. Upon returning, he was at Jackson doing something with basic training, and went reserves around '71. According to him, some of the reserve units he was around then did use the 1000 inch range for lack of space for a regular range.
Although not match shooting, during my Marine Corps basic training, I shot at 1000 inches, The target was a printed village with structures designated as targets. I may have been shooting a .22 but as I recall, I used my BAR and my buddies used their Garands. This was in 1954.

Semper Fi.

Gunnery Sergeant
Clifford L. Hughes
USMC Retired
Good Afternoon Gentleman,
Re: the 1000 inch range. I'm retired Navy, and was a Small Arms Instructor starting in 1991. My Range was set up to combine both rifle (M4 and M14, plus reservists shooting Garands) and pistol marksmanship, along with combat courses for Rifle, Pistol, and Shotgun. My Rifle Range for marksmanship was the Navy Standard 1000 inch course, using the Navy A 1000 inch Target, a 2 in Bull, 4, 3 rings, and the remainer of the 8.5 in x 11.5 in target was a 2 ring score. Regular marksmanship was being set aside to save money, and usually the only people that shot were those who were required to be armed in their duties, so most of the large ranges (Long Distance) were shut down except ones that were needed for Scout/ Sniper School, and Camp Perry. The logic for it was if everyone was shooting a combat course, there was no need for the 1000 yd ranges we had been used to, smaller ranges were cost effective in DOD's eyes due to less footprint, less Maintenance, and the increasing hazmat costs of cleaning out a range. If you have any other questions regarding the quals on a 1000 in range, or any Navy Range specific questions, send me a message
David Blinder said:
The thousand inch shoot was developed by Marine scout/snipers to simulate the 1000 yard shoot under limited distances. You shoot at a reduced size target at the shorter distance which except for adjusting for the trajectory drop and wind conditions, produces a pretty decent imitation of the longer range.
This is the same concept as the reduced-size silhouettes the Appleseed Project uses for their 25 yard shoots.



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Wen I was in basic at Lackland AFB back around October 1960, about the third week of training we got to sight in our M2 carbines on a 1,000" range. Shipped out in November1906 to Chanute Il. for tech school, then about 6 weeks later to Nellis AFB Nevada. Shipped out to Osan AFB Korea 63/64 and within a week of the Kennedy assassination out detachment had to go to the base range to sight out very loose M2 carbines in case the Norks cross the line. Actual sighting in comprised of firing ten rounds at 1,000" and if you put at least 8 holes anywhere on the paper it was considered good enough. When I asked the CO about what I considered sloppy training I was told, "We're weather people; that is we're noncombatants. :mad: Damn near got busted when I quipped back, "Speak for yourself, SIR" Happier than a hog in mud when I was ordered to do a three month tour at Koon-Ni gunnery range, We had to take out weapons as we were considered isolated to take weather observation and score targets in between bombing runs. Lots of leisure time and EOD supplied up with lots of ammo. I did two tours at Koon-Ni and loved every minute. Had one Korean as cook and houseboy and I and one other airman comprised the who base. :cool: Best duty I ever had in my four years in.
Paul B.