Ever gone back to a model or...

Pond James Pond

New member
...brand you'd previously owned but then dismissed?

Whilst not seriously considering getting rid of my current CZ, I have thinking back to the gun replaced it, a G19, with new objectivity to the point that I could imagine owning another. How about you?

Ever made an unexpected U-turn?
I've never really "dismissed" anything. I have however bought and sold, traded and swapped guns for a long time. I've sold off Model 10, 15, 19's and so on, then turned around and bought another one. I don't worry about selling them. Ruger MK 22's are another that I buy and sell all the time. I don't know how many of those I've had over the years.

About the only one that's never been on the "for sale" block is my EDC Smith & Wesson Model 12. And that's only because they are somewhat scarce, and it would take a while to replace.

But otherwise, they're just guns. There is always another one so I never develop an emotional attachment to any.
Guilty… I did it with Glock. It took me about 2 years to come back around to them.
I wasn't a fan of the trigger. Now I replace all my triggers with the Zev Tech Fulcrum Ultimate trigger and action kit and (and their sights too) and absolutely LOVE my Glocks now.
Yes I have and did.
But it was to a 1911, not a Glock.
Mine started out that way, but ended up the reverse, 20 some odd years later.

I went from 1911's to a couple of early Glocks, had issue with one, went back to 1911's, for awhile anyway, at least until they started to become issues, then over to SIG's, and now back to Glocks.

One thing good about living with and shooting them all is, none of the perceived "grip angle" issues. :)
At points in time over the past 20 years I have thought that for some reason I needed to own a 1911. I have bought several models, makes, configurations, etc. but none really worked out for me.
Now, I'm just content with not having a 1911 in the stable.

I have considered at times that I may want another Glock 23 or Super BlackHawk Hunter; but the G22 niche is already filled by my CZ75, and the SBH was just a passing phase of trying a handgun for hunting.
A few times, I had a 2" SP101 for years and sold it when I got a light weight 38 snub, ended up missing it and bough another exactly the same. I decided later that I'd rather have a 3" and sold a buddy mu snub SP and got my 3" I wanted. I've also bought and sold 3 Charter Arms Bulldogs and just ordered my 4th.
Yes. I sold my Colt Gold Cup, because I was worrying about the adjustable sights when holstering. Bought one cheaper, but being a quality minded guy, bought an other new Gold Cup.
Eghads, that Zev Tech trigger for Glocks costs a ton. :eek:
By the time one is added to the gun, the total would be more than for buying a real gun. :)
I gave Bersa, not two, but three chances. All three times the gun has disappointed. I'm done now... I hope.
YUP! Said the guy who's currently the owner of his seventh Ruger single action revolver. In my defense I did own two of them at the same time once :D
Cheapshooter's Rule Club Member #9,645,003

Well, as a disciple of the Cheapshooter philosophy very rarely have I ever sold off an item unless I was in a desperate bind for money...

Cheapshooter's rules of gun ownership #1: NEVER SELL OR TRADE ANYTHING!

However, following this rule does leave a few guns still in the safe that never get shot that I don't care for. But I can't sell or trade for fear of losing my membership in the club.

I've returned to carrying my 1911s as of late from my GLOCKs. But, they were in the safe waiting for me.
I wanted a G19 about five years ago, didn't get it and just last year finally bought one and love it.

I was trying back then to hold out for a USP.
Yep, Colt revolvers.

Years ago I had a Detective Special as a carry gun, but I just couldn't get used to the "pull back the latch to release the cylinder" after years of using S&Ws.

So, I traded it on a Model 36 3".

Then, a few years ago, I got a hankering for a Colt...

Now I have three, and I'm looking at adding more.
I've only dismissed one gun that I've ever owned, and it was the gun and not the brand. There have been several that I have traded that I would love to have back, one that I actually got back, and one that I replaced with one just like it.