Ever feel like the inventory is getting too much?

Anyone else here have this problem or should I just convert the gun room wall into rack space & see how far I can go with it?
Yes, of course! I keep a list of my guns that I would be willing to trade up to something higher quality or on my collection list.

I basically have 3 piles:
1. Guns I will never part with
2. Guns I will use to trade/fund a higher quality gun
3. A few "in between" guns that would be hard to replace, but not quite my taste any longer.

Here is an example of a swap I did in the past. I had a rare version of an open-bolt gun which didn't really fit well in my collection, but fit perfectly in someone else's. Got good money for it. But, not nearly enough to purchase the SIG-AMT I wanted. So, I purchased a really nice 1960 Colt Python and another good "shooter" Python mfg 1957 which I had refinished by Colt. Both are beautiful Pythons which have increased well over what I have into them. But, still not enough for the Sig AMT. Besides, I have grown fond of those two Pythons - but I could probably be persueded to use them in a trade for a Sig AMT.

Unfortunately, my tastes have gotten more expensive over time. I just get enamored with certain guns, usually based on design that interests me.
I had to sell many beloved guns during my 14 year "Marriage" and subsequent divorce to pay the Trolls debts and overspending. Be careful whom you marry or live with!!! :rolleyes:
6 years later after my escape from the depths of Hell, I am rebuilding my stockpile, most of which will eventually be passed on to my son and other family members.
Funny how with no demonic woman around, I don't have to listen to drama and BS daily, the Bill's get paid on time, my stress level is almost zero, I buy what I want, go where I please, hunt and fish whenever I feel like it, vacation annually and life is sweet. MGTOW. I wish I had taken the Red pill 3 decades ago. :D.
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YES!!!!, I'v sold and given away 4 guns lately, no reason other that I never use them and their just taking up space !!! hdbiker
Yes. I am not a collector. I am a shooter. I can't justify dumping a bunch into an inventory either as family and their needs take priority. That being said the guns I do decide to purchase, I make sure they are of a high quality and will last me/fit my wants and needs. I try to make sure each gun I buy has a unique purpose, makes it easier to justify to myself/wife ;)
I'm at the point where i can only add a couple of more. My safe will only hold 24. No way i could slip a another safe by the wife. Then she'd know i have more than the 10 guns she got used to seeing when i had my gun cabinet.:mad:
I have a number of guns. I am trying to figure out if there is anything I want. I don't need any additional guns. Not sure I really want anything right now. I don't want a new caliber. Maybe another 1911, just because. But I won't sale any. The kids get them when I tip over. I have listed the guns and putting names next to them.
Three rifles, 5 pistols.

But ----- I could get out of control with the wants -

45-70 single shots

Swiss straight pulls

From there it could snowball so quickly lol!!!
Yea I think at this stage in my collection it's become all about "wants" over "needs". Although I do tell myself that I need that one gun for a specific circumstance, lol....down the rabbit hole I go at that point.

The biggest thing that keeps me looking is the availability to shop/trade from home. Web sites like Gunbroker & TheOutdoorsTrader.com have me constantly looking what is posted. I keep telling my wife that we should shut the internet off since the urge is too strong for me not to look at guns.

Currently talking things out with another guy about trading a Weatherby Deluxe Vanguard for a All Weather Ruger & have 69 items on my watch list on Gunbroker....I was able to stop drinking & smoking, but guns are just too hard to stay away from when I find solid deals.
I refuse to even consider it...well, actually, I need a new gun safe (currently have two):D You know, you can get about 80 guns in a 60 gun safe if you're real creative:D

I don’t sell any guns I purchase. I also make sure they all get shot at some point usually on a rotating basis. I currently have 5 safes that holds about 52 firearms a piece.