Ever been in a situation where you needed your gun?

Here is a gun story, we were fishing on a lake was posted. we were not supposed to be in there, we were sitting there a bunch of kids like 12 or 13 when a guy opens up over our heads with his shotgun. We scattered and I ran to the bar was on the highway called 911. They arrested that guy and he was convicted of a felony.

My cousin shot at a guy that had just shot his son 3 times on his porch the 22 round went thru a wall thru another wall in a house across the street thru a closet wall and thru all the cloths in that closet. Cousin lived, bad guys are in jail for like 200 years, insurance paid for the damage. My cousin was shot with a 357 mag, 3 times in the lower abdomen. HPs, didnt get deep enough he is still walking around to this day.
I have drawn twice. Once was while working for a security company doing high risk areas. The second was in defense of a co-worker. We were at lunch and he got there before I did. A vagrant entered the restaraunt and immediately began to chase another guy through the place. My co-worker gave chase and as I found out quickly the guy had a knife. As they left the door, the suspect turned on my co-worker with the knife. He was backed up against a wall and a fence. I kicked the door open which protected him and drew down on the suspect. After what seemed like 5 minutes (said to be only 30 seconds or less) he dropped the knife and we took him down till PD arrived. The LEO's were surprised I had not fired on him. If he would have moved an inch I would have.

I would much rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. That is why I carry everywhere it is legal to do so.
I have not. My ex, my best friend, my great uncle, my second cousin, and a co-worker all have. Two instances ended with dead carjackers; the others ended up with deterrence achieved through presence of guns and/or large dogs.
condom and handgun theory

I have always thought its better to have it and NEVER need it than not have it and need it, even once. I usually end up learning things the hard way but that is something I wouldnt want to learn the hard way. I can't CC because Im only 18 but I will apply for mine the day I am of age.
Hard to tell whether I "needed" it or not, but I did once brandish in the car when another car with 2-3 guys were high on road rage (and possibly other things) and trying to run my (former) wife and I onto the shoulder. I simply held it up where they could see it, pointing upwards, and they decided they had urgent business elsewhere. Not tactically sound, but in my defense I was 20-something, hadn't educated myself on self-defense tactics, and it was the best I could think of in the few moments the altercation spanned (though it seemed like much longer). Fortunately, it worked. Had they been gangbangers things might have turned out much worse for me.
I had to put mine in my lap and do over 110mph on an interstate to loose a couple "dudes" that were following me after I drove into a dark hotel parking lot at 3am and happened upon their drug dealings going down. My truck has the rev limiter removed,theirs didn't.
Putting a gun in your lap is a good way to lose it if you get run off the road, or otherwise wreck.

Check the FBI Miami Shootout; this happened to one of the agents.

Get a holster or other accessible but secure rig.
I carry a gun almost every day but....

I have not personally nor do I know anyone who has ever needed a gun. Nor have I or anyone I've known ever been in a situation where I thought I MIGHT need my gun.

I fully expect, absent the collapse of society, to make it the rest of my life without needing my gun and to die a painful death due to heart disease, pancreatic cancer or some other such uncured disease.

But, I carry almost every day and know quite a few others who do also.
Diffused situations by reaching for gun on two seperate occasions without actually having to draw. Was relieved to be carrying on many more occasions. Carrying gives me the confidence I need to still be living in a rather iffy area. Can't wait to get out of here.
In my 27 years of life I've never been in a situation where I wished I had a gun on me.

Unfortunately, that doesn't buy you anything whether you've needed a gun or not. You're still in the same "victim pool" as the rest of us. Not saying you don't know that, but a point worth noting.
i had a girlfriend once that used to screw around on me, and one of her hundred thousand boyfriends came to a party i was at with my bodies and asked me to come out to my car over the phone. i went out the back door and came around the back way to my car out the alley way. when i rounded the corner him and 3 of his buddies were sitting on the hood of my car facing towards the house. my old 16 gauge pump was in the trunk. i didn't say a word and began to creep up and unlock my trunk. they immediately heard me and turned around and began to threaten me. by this time i had opened the trunk and had a hand on my loaded shotgun. i just told them to leave and that they didn't want to see what i was about to get out. they believed me and i haven't seen them since. didn't even have to get the gun out.
I'm also wondering if since you started carrying if you felt like a hammer always on the lookout for a nail...


When I got my license, I also got a list of restrictions on where I could and couldn't go, and conduct that was expected of me, and pretty good knowledge of how the law works.

I took notice of a warning about a bunch of old retired folks (like me:D) who don't own guns, and who might be sitting in judgement of my actions someday.

Maybe you don't take crap off people, normally. When you're armed, you take crap off everyone and walk away.:cool:
Yes,but the three guys parked right next to my driver's door,smoking pot in a practically empty parking lot that thought they were getting a free,bright red,brand new,Honda Civic thought otherwise when I put my nickel plated Mauser HSC in my shirt pocket before I tried to get in our car.

My wife was with me then too,it was her car.

Funny thing was,that Mauser was so unreliable it was ALWAYS a one shot handgun.:rolleyes:

Still,I thank the old gun salt Archie for selling it to me years earlier.

Sometimes you just have to have the gun and look like you know what you are doing and the bad guys will go elsewhere.

I own better guns now.
Two times.

Once in my apartment when I was 21. Two guys broke in to try to attack my roommate while he slept. He was a big guy and liked to run the bars. These two waited till he went to bed because they thought they had a chance against him then. Got out my Mossberg and "diffused the situation" They left and we called the cops. Small town, we knew them by name and so did the cops...

The other time was a stray dog. Nastiest animal I have ever seen. It was between me and my car in my driveway one day. It was sick, malnourished, missing hair. It saw me and barred its teeth and began to growl. I showed it my GP100 and it ran. The dog seemed to know what a pistol was when it saw it. The dog came back later, chased my girlfriend from her car into the house. I shot it twice in the head with my AR 15.
Twice as a LEO in South Arkansas. Both time involved clearing unlocked churches with suspicious vehicles parked in hidden locations.

The first church was empty. The second was kind of funny in retrospect.

We entered with the classic I went (first) left and partner went right. I hit a wall and was sillouted against the light. End result the paster was trying to finish his sermon and had parked his truck in the back so his parishners would not disturb him.

I had one incident were two thugs tryed to goad me into a fight at a convience store. Finally, I had had enough and told the clerk to call 911 and tell the operator that "chuckles husband", my wife was a dispatcher/Secratary for the PD, was about to get into a fight and they needed to send an ambulance. AR did not have a carry law at the time so I was unarmed.

They did follow me home. I entered my house picked up my Raid Jacket and trusty 1911 went back outside and they quickly vacated the area.

Had the privilige of picking up the instigator a couple of weeks later for Drug, firearms and burglary. He spent a good deal of time in Cummings Prison.
Not a situation where I would have drawn it, but there have been a couple of times when it would have provided considerable comfort. But that's not the point. You don't decide when you will need a gun. It is decided by others.
I'm also wondering if since you started carrying if you felt like a hammer always on the lookout for a nail...

You need a non-lethal defense plan too. Either you can fight, or you carry pepper spray. A strong flashlight at night is also very effective both at temp blinding somebody and as a kubaton if it's the right size and type. Mine is.

First time I ever put my hand on a gun out of nervousness was a couple of weeks ago. Five coyotes were trotting towards me on a suburban Tucson street. Yeah, real coyotes, not stray dogs, and moving at a fast trot (probably just their traveling speed). They went around me, went on my way. Interesting :). The bigger Javalinas around here are more dangerous but a .357Mag could put either down.

In California I reached for knives against the dreaded "two legged rattlesnakes" twice, once in my own defense, once when pulling some guy out of a four-on-one stompdown, victim already down hard. That was pretty wild...opposition had a couple of hammers and just before I showed up had knocked the victim down with one. I pushed them off, the victim shot to his feet and then passed out in the next subway car behind me. I plugged the hole leading to him, they backed down. The other, I chased a mugger armed with a wrench off (me at the intended victim). I also chased two dogs off of somebody else, with a drawn knife on my part. So...three knife incidents, two in defense of somebody else. Interesting pattern I guess.