Even with right to carry... are we not still made helpless?

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Being your brothers/sisters keeper can get you the key to the city in some places or the sound of a key locking your cell in others. Posters on both sides on this issue make good points. I don't see how either side of the equation is or ever will be an entirely winning argument.

It's not a perfect world.


Are law abiding citizens allowed to carry on public transit? I know some states don't allow it.

But this just sickens me. Heck, a few months ago I read about a woman getting stabbed in a grocery parking lot, screaming for someone to help her. Everyone stood around, but one guy with a gun intervened. Then he took off, presumably because he didn't have a 'permit' to carry.
ive been conservative in some of the "what if" threads.

...well if you could call not facing down an AK and possible body armor,from half a football field away,in a crowded mall,after an optical procedure,with my 9mm...conservative.

but this one sounds like a no-brainer.
Are law abiding citizens allowed to carry on public transit? I know some states don't allow it.

But this just sickens me. Heck, a few months ago I read about a woman getting stabbed in a grocery parking lot, screaming for someone to help her. Everyone stood around, but one guy with a gun intervened. Then he took off, presumably because he didn't have a 'permit' to carry.
If "they" restrict (infringe) your right to carry then what makes them a "right to carry state".

It sickens me too... and that's why I wanted to discuss the subject to see if anyone had a viable way to handle this or similar situations...

I think we have to decide... ahead of time... if we are willing to "break" the infringing laws for the sake of the innocent victim... or for that matter, our own safety.

This is not a what if... The IF scenario has already happened...
This is a what would you do in this situation?

And the purpose is to LEARN from each other...and perhaps PREVENT a similarly ridiculous situation from happening to us... or ours. :o
ok, I am new to the site. So I want to give my two cents worth, I will help in any thing like that. now remember I`m from the middle of Texas, and here it isnt a bad thing to get involved.
having said that, I will say I dont have a ccw yet but hope to have soon. but even without one I would not hesitate to help as much as I could. You see I am in a wheel chair. but it is a big one and weighs 450 lbs and if I run up on your foot it is going to crush it. and the arm comes off real easy and is a heck of a club.
I may be in a wheel chair but I am not helpless, I am stronger than most men in the upper body and can use it very well thank you. If you cant see that life is only as good as you make it, for yourself and for others. I dont think I could live with myself if I didnt do something.
I can't speak for Utah law, but in most states including mine it's perfectly legal to use force to stop an assault on the person of someone other than yourself.

I believe it to be that way in most states.

If you go back to to some of our "what would you do" threads you'll find that a lot of the members of this board probably wouldn't act.

I think you may be stating this out of context. I don't believe anyone here would not act to stop an assault IN PROGRESS!
Democrats are anti-gun and speak of a better, more caring society where handguns are not needed or welcome. But it's in the states where the Democrats have the strongest grip of the situation where people turn their heads away when a fellow citizen is being assaulted. In reality, the most cold, uncaring and unsafe place one can imagine is a place which the Democrats control. I can not see myself live in in NYC, for example. The Democrats sow the seed of inhumanity in everything they do. Their own voters suffers the most, ironically. Serves them right. Just die off.
And the purpose is to LEARN from each other...and perhaps PREVENT a similarly ridiculous situation from happening to us... or ours.

I hope nobody took your advice to shoot someone then run away as a lesson to learn from.
I didn't think anyone on this thread would take that remark "literally".

When all else fails... read "between the lines"...

The whole thread is about people who contribute nothing of value and then "snipe" at what others try to do.

And to "rag" on the idea that people do nothing when the chips are down... and then make themselves "John-Kerry-after-the-fact-heros" by selling out, or undercutting, the ones who did in fact contribute
Democrats are anti-gun and speak of a better, more caring society where handguns are not needed or welcome. But it's in the states where the Democrats have the strongest grip of the situation where people turn their heads away when a fellow citizen is being assaulted. In reality, the most cold, uncaring and unsafe place one can imagine is a place which the Democrats control. I can not see myself live in in NYC, for example. The Democrats sow the seed of inhumanity in everything they do. Their own voters suffers the most, ironically. Serves them right. Just die off.

don't forget Wash DC!! talk about getting what you asked for!! DC is a mess and has been for a long time.
I didn't think anyone on this thread would take that remark "literally".

When all else fails... read "between the lines"...

How would a normal person read between these lines? I am unable to. If you want to state a position, please do. It SEEMS from what you wrote (and the very fact that this thread exists) is that the repercussions of taking action outweighs the benefits gained by acting in your proposed situation. Or at the very least you made it seem like they are close that a decision couldn't immediately be made.

I knew how I would react. It was black and white. I do not know how you would act though.. I'm not a mind reader. Heck, JermTheory asked the same question (also not responded to)

Would you do nothing, issue a verbal warning, physically restrain him, verbal warning with gun aimed, or just shoot him with no warning? Or some other action.

The whole thread is about people who contribute nothing of value and then "snipe" at what others try to do.

And to "rag" on the idea that people do nothing when the chips are down... and then make themselves "John-Kerry-after-the-fact-heros" by selling out, or undercutting, the ones who did in fact contribute

Do you not see the irony of the juxtaposition of these two paragraphs? That was a snipe itself, for no apparent reason except to take a snipe.

I made a comment on your OP that indicated how I interpreted it, and you didn't correct me even though you posted after that. I reiterate it and I was somehow sniping at you or something. I did nothing of the sort. Nor was I trying to.
In a state where about 50,000 citizens have CWP's... not one person on the train had a gun....
I was dubious about it because the odds are in favor of a CWP being on board, however, I realized that it would be very difficult for commuters to carry to and from work because their workplaces have nearly nullified the "right to carry".

The fact that no one (apparently) had a gun is... POSSIBLY because they weren't allowed to carry a gun to the workplace, and they couldn't leave a gun at the tram stop if they did. So they would have had to leave it home...
"They couldn't leave a gun at the tram stop" was a sarcastic reference to leaving your weapon in the car while visiting a place where concealed carry is prohibited...

I made a comment on your OP that indicated how I interpreted it, and you didn't correct me even though you posted after that.

The "comment"
I hope nobody took your advice to shoot someone then run away as a lesson to learn from.
I also hope so.

If I shot the perp (anywhere on his body) and if I were to stick around, my fellow citizen's (sic) would probably have called 911 on me and I'd be defending myself from some sort of legal charges... and maybe a lawsuit...
"I" was not really "I" but it worked better in the false part of my scenario. This was a reference to how do you protect yourself from any CONSEQUENCES of using your weapon to protect the innocent or yourself... without doing the "Death Wish vigilante" disappearing act.

Yeah, yeah, I know the RAMafications of shooting someone in the a$$...
This was (hopefully) to keep posters from attacking the thread start with frivolous nonsense... Instead it just gave them some nonsense to attack. :o

My mistake appears to have been thinking that because there are a number of pretty intelligent member/posters on this forum... that it would somehow guarantee that they are also thoughtful...

I do see how some readers might think I was really advocating a cut and run method of dealing with the criminal... but disappearing is at least one of the options... I do apologize for putting it the way I did... but I forgot that there are those who believe stories like that nonsense thread about shooting a 'coon at point blank range with several shots and three different calibers or guages and not being able to kill the 'coon until he cut the tree down which fell on the 'coon.

I have personally seen new heros being blamed for rudely deposing the previous king-of-the-hill, especially when they tried and failed.

What would you have done? And how?
...in order to keep the "lemmings" from turning on you...
I mean OTHER than letting the perp beat the hell out of the woman?

There are many on this thread who THINK they know what they would do... They are in for a rude awakening unless they can learn from the intelligent and thoughtful posts that are mixed with the ones that don't fit that description.

If a thread starter has a good mind... it is apparent to me in the reading... I therefore allow him the benefit of doubt and respect him.

So much could be learned here if the attacks didn't take up so much time and energy... I hope this sufficiently explains and clarifies... It's the best I can do for now. :cool:
In a state where about 50,000 citizens have CWP's... not one person on the train had a gun....
I was dubious about it because the odds are in favor of a CWP being on board, however, I realized that it would be very difficult for commuters to carry to and from work because their workplaces have nearly nullified the "right to carry".

The fact that no one (apparently) had a gun is... POSSIBLY because they weren't allowed to carry a gun to the workplace, and they couldn't leave a gun at the tram stop if they did. So they would have had to leave it home...
"They couldn't leave a gun at the tram stop" was a sarcastic reference to leaving your weapon in the car while visiting a place where concealed carry is prohibited...

If I shot the perp (anywhere on his body) and if I were to stick around, my fellow citizen's (sic) would probably have called 911 on me and I'd be defending myself from some sort of legal charges... and maybe a lawsuit...
"I" was not really "I" but it worked better in the false part of my scenario. This was a reference to how do you protect yourself from any CONSEQUENCES of using your weapon to protect the innocent or yourself... without doing the "Death Wish vigilante" disappearing act.

Yeah, yeah, I know the RAMafications of shooting someone in the a$$...
This was (hopefully) to keep posters from attacking the thread start with frivolous nonsense... Instead it just gave them some nonsense to attack. :o

My mistake appears to have been thinking that because there are a number of pretty intelligent member/posters on this forum... that it would somehow guarantee that they are also thoughtful...

I do see how some readers might think I was really advocating a cut and run method of dealing with the criminal... but disappearing is at least one of the options... I do apologize for putting it the way I did... but I forgot that there are those who believe stories like that nonsense thread about shooting a 'coon at point blank range with several shots and three different calibers or guages and not being able to kill the 'coon until he cut the tree down which fell on the 'coon.

I have personally seen new heros being blamed for rudely deposing the previous king-of-the-hill, especially when they tried and failed.

What would you have done? And how?
...in order to keep the "lemmings" from turning on you...
I mean OTHER than letting the perp beat the hell out of the woman?

There are many on this thread who THINK they know what they would do... They are in for a rude awakening unless they can learn from the intelligent and thoughtful posts that are mixed with the ones that don't fit that description.

If a thread starter has a good mind... it is apparent to me in the reading... I therefore allow him the benefit of doubt and respect him.

So much could be learned here if the attacks didn't take up so much time and energy... I hope this sufficiently explains and clarifies... It's the best I can do for now. :cool:
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