Even More Reason to fear Hilbama

I think that getting rid of our nukes would be suicide. You can pretty much guarantee that Russia, China, N. Korea, Iran and Pakistan won't agree or will lie.
In the past a nuclear arsenal was the most cost effective deterent, that is probably still the case, but the gap is not as great as it once was. It is a common problem that generals and politicans prepare to fight the previous war. I think it makes sense to look at the issue very carefully and see if a large nuclear arsenal is still a good investment, I don't know whether it is or not, but suspect that it's not a simple matter to determine.

At the end of the day we need to spend our defense dollars in whatever manner gives us the most security per dollar. I'm certainly not in a position to know that.

Luckily I think Rudy or Hillary or even Fred are the type of leaders who would do what is right rather than what looks best. I am glad that all the front runners seem like they have enough contacts and experience to actually put together a cabinet of competent advisors.

I don't think there would be all that much difference in the way any of the three ran things, but a Hillary win would cause the stock market to pull back in a knee jerk response so there would be a large money making opportunity for those of us who would be poised to buy. If Hillary wins I sell China, India and Latin america and buy US stocks at a post election discount.

How's that for enlightened self interest? Vote for Hillary because I think I can make the most money that way? Ayn Rand would be proud.
It's even more of an investment than it ever was.

Remember, we're facing nuts who think if they push the button, they'll go to paradise and get virgins. They REALLY BELIEVE that. Suicide is no big deal. No deterrent.

However, if they're aware that we can literally erase their entire belief system and all its monuments with a return strike before they can even badly hurt us, that we'll continue to exist and they won't, that's a deterrent.

It does not matter that we're unlikely to do that...they only respect strength. And they know full well we can erase their little magic black rock and the square it is in at the push of the button, and they'd be unable to do a thing to stop us. We have that strength. And they respect it.
Obama's comments on Iraq and nuclear weapons were part of a broader call for an aggressive new approach to international affairs. As president, Obama said, he would:

_Personally conduct negotiations with other nations, including hostile countries.

_Deliver an annual "state of the world" speech to assess the country's foreign policy concerns.

_Give the director of national intelligence a fixed term of office, so he could not be replaced by the president for political reasons.

_Fight global poverty and double foreign assistance to $50 billion a year.

All this and his plan to eliminate nukes makes Obama sound like Kucinich. Obama should study military history a little more since he doesn't seem to know that the most common way weapons are phased out is when better weapons are adopted.
I agree that a Democratic president will be horrible. But I don't see a Republican candidate that will be worth squat either. I just don't see ANYONE I can vote for. I've made a decision that I'm done voting for the lesser of two evils. That may mean I'm done voting. I've been a registered Republican a long time and voted Republican even longer, but I am now looking hard at the Libertarian party. Really don't know what to do. I have had to face the fact that as a conservative, I am not represented in government at this time.
I've come to feel that there is not much difference between the Republicans and Democrats. It looks to me like the situation is back to the way it was before Regan.
I think conservatives have been too gentle in opposing those who are against us and our philosophy. If we truly believe what we say we do, we damn well better start ACTING in accordance with those beliefs and holding people accountable.
Actually, in a way not voting can matter. For instance, I have decided that if Rudy McRomney wins the GOP nomination I will not be voting for a Republican or a Democrat in '08. The theory here is that the Republican party will learn from painful experience that they have to nominate genuine conservatives if they want electoral support. They had my support for a RINO who let the AWB lapse, cut taxes, and made drunk horny sailors look like paragons of frugality (I'm not proud of that vote either.). They won't get my support for a gungrabber RINO who won't control spending and reduce deficits.

The risk, naturally, is that HillBama or Rudy McRomney wins the election and proceeds to screw me big time. Pretty much I lose either way, voting or not.
So, basically you would rather the republicans trot someone out that is sure to lose to Hillary rather than a more moderate candidate with a chance to win? The dems were fond of this approach for many years, until Clinton pulled the party back into the mainstream.
The theory here is that the Republican party will learn from painful experience that they have to nominate genuine conservatives if they want electoral support.

But how do they read your mind? Maybe they think, hey we weren't liberal enough, if we had gotten behind socialism, like Hillary, we would have won. You'd have to vote for a third-party fringe guy to make your point.
Don't know how to vote also

This is the first time that i have been confused on voting.I have always been a republican.I always vote my party line.Now thinking on voting third party.but i dont want to waste my vote only do to the fact ,that i don't want hillary in there. she seems to be winning ground. GUESTION?... how long has it been since a third party has won.I know that if enough people vote ,they can win, but should we vote on our personal beliefs,or vote for the the parties that always win. Maybe you guys can clear this up for me..BECAUSE I will vote ...Thanks
Teddy won with the bull moose party. There have been several third party governors in places like Maine and Alaska over the years.

But I think those who profess libertarian sympathies really should consider which party MOST reflects their beliefs. I find the intrusive social conservative agenda of the republicans much scarier than the fiscally intrusive agenda of the democrats. For one thing, economic freedom is very much ingrained into our collective pysche and any attempts to mess with the economy in that way would get slapped down. However, republicans seem to get away with some pretty fascist economic policies, the whole state corporate revolving door make your buddies rich while you're in office type of thing that Bush does so well for instance, without too much interference.

I know that I hold a minority opinion on this forum, but I really think that Hillary is the best option for anyone with libertarian tendencies.
Actually, Teddy lost with the Bull Moose Party, it was a spoiler campaign against Taft and Wilson won the election.

Teddy won with the bull moose party. There have been several third party governors in places like Maine and Alaska over the years.
But I think those who profess libertarian sympathies really should consider which party MOST reflects their beliefs.

Done that. Justme, the problem is that BOTH parties poorly reflect my beliefs, in practice. In this case, there's a good chance the election will pit a dishonest, government-growing, socially liberal, gun-grabbing, tax-raising New Yorker against a dishonest, government-growing, socially liberal, gun-grabbing, tax-raising New Yorker. It's not that there's no difference between the two; it's just that there's not enough difference to make any real difference in practice.

The Republicans could own my vote, if they were actually serious about their long time fiction of cutting taxes and reducing the size of government and following the Constitution in its original intent. But they're not, haven't been for years, and in many cases around here they haven't even bothered mouthing that mantra in the past several election cycles.

The Democrats could own my vote, if they were actually serious about their long time fiction of respecting the entire Bill of Rights. But they're not, and their attempts to make voters believe otherwise have been depressingly transparent.

As for the big-L Libertarians, they have a well deserved reputation for being either incredibly stupid or incredibly naive when selecting candidates (and when doing 'most everything else they do, too).

My vote's going to Ron Paul if I get a chance. He's a Republican, not a Libertarian. And if he's not actually on the ballot and it comes down to a vote between two essentially identical liberal candidates, I'll write his name in and let the Republican party draw its own conclusions about why they lost my vote.

Not a dime's difference between the two front runners in either main party this time around, and I have no stomach for helping to put either one of these evil people into the highest office in our fair land.


Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule -- and both commonly succeed, and are right. -- H.L. Mencken
Giuliani is the least of all the evils at the moment. We're going to have to deal with reality, folks. I know many people don't do that on a daily basis and can't shift gears on election day. But hint: your tactical wheelbarrow won't fit into the voting booth. Also: a Glock doesn't shoot under Electoral College water.

So grow up and vote. Dammit.
The only wasted vote, is the vote not cast.

Isnt a futility vote a vote not cast? If I write in SpacemanSpiff for President isnt that a wasted vote.?

Alternatively, one could argue that "none of the above" sends a message to the politicos if done in sufficient numbers or if done so that it affects an election. We have seen what that garners already.

My bottom line is: I dont want Hillbama in the White House.

On a related but much more important note, why is it whenever I order from Midway I forget to get something?

WildineedafriendpostcomingAlaska TM
Actually SpacemanSpiff (whoever he is) would be significantly better than Hillarybama and probably better than the other announced candidates too