Even a Broken Clock is Right Twice a Day - weapons cache seized in Los Angeles

Well this picture came up in a panel discussion hosted by Bill Maher with NRA spokesperson Colion Noir on the panel at about the 7:30 mark.


The panel (and audience) gasp with alarm when the picture is shown.

"I'm worried about a person like that [the guy with the 'arsenal'] having the ability to easily kill lots of people," says a panel member.
"He only has two hands," says Colion Noir.
"What does that mean, 'He only has two hands'? People are getting slaughtered by one person, children are being slaughtered by one children (sic)."

Colion Noir's point seemed to be totally lost on the panel, and audience, that the guy couldn't use ALL THOSE GUNS AT THE SAME TIME. And that a guy with just ONE gun could probably do as much damage as a guy with 500 guns.

Colion Noir was calm, cool and collected during the panel which, IMhO, was very anti-gun.
Colion Noir's point seemed to be totally lost on the panel, and audience, that the guy couldn't use ALL THOSE GUNS AT THE SAME TIME. And that a guy with just ONE gun could probably do as much damage as a guy with 500 guns.
In Broken Arrow, one of the characters makes the point that the person who wants a lot of nuclear weapons is actually not as scary as the person who says they only want one.

The quote isn't quite on target, but the general principle applies. There's really very little point to worrying about a person who wants to own 500 firearms. Having 500 doesn't really make a person any more dangerous than the person who has 2 or 3.
Either way, it's a tragedy that all those firearms will likely get melted down and scrapped. A police department could make some serious cash auctioning them off to "legal" gun owners/gun shops.

Some of is think that, while melting the guns down is a tragedy, the police profiting in any way from a gun grab is a much greater tragedy. I just hate that some of the really good guns will probably be stolen by police officers rather than scrapped. Burn 'em all.

I still wonder what felony he was convicted of, that he was let out so easily (I heard on another board that he might have used the wrong gendered pronoun for somebody; that's a felony in CA) and if he had any opportunity at all to have his attorney take possession of the guns until he could sell them or give them to relatives.

The word "arsenal" probably fits. The rest of the story is probably BS.
I just hate that some of the really good guns will probably be stolen by police officers rather than scrapped. Burn 'em all.

I imagine if any were going to be stolen they were stolen before the picture was taken. You should probably watch the whole projection thing though, it gives for odd appearances.