Evaluating your defensive weapon capability

Folks do go on about "shotguns for home defense".
Did any of the testers actually shoot a shotgun inside a house?

Did they go deaf in only one, or both ears? Folks talk about having a
gun on the night-stand, they better keep earplugs with the shotgun.

I have. Scores (or maybe even hundreds?) of times. They aren't near as bad to my ears as any fighting caliber pistol, and revolvers are even worse.
Frankenmauser, was reading through IWBA Journals the other night and read that the M855 round travels in the body about 6" before it starts to yaw so that explained how your friend was able to survive the head shot. If it had been M193 he would have been dead.

That explains why I saw this dumb ass in Iraq was not getting the word after he was hit. There were presspukes urging him to take his RPG, go out in the road and shoot at a advancing Marines who were coming up the street about 200 meters away.

He walks out and assumes a kneeling position and starts to aim the RPG and I could see him take three body hits and he just looked like he hiccuped a bit. Finally he turned to look back at camera operator and he had this -CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED- look on his face and at that instant he took one through the cranial vault and he rolled over just as he got to the 77 Virgins Welcome Home Party.

I noted that Fackler does not address the Miami Shooting until Vol 1 No 4 Page 15 in 1994 where he indicates the shot not getting to the heart. My source (firearms examiner) tells me that is about the time autopsy reports surfaced and Fackler commented on them which is two years after I retired and was not on line till 2000 time frame.
There's a lot of public hand-wringing when people are shot multiple times, but remember, "shoot until they think they're stopped, not until you think they're stopped."
Evaluate after the assailant is down.
Fackler told cops at Gainesville, Fla PD to back off, stay behind cover and do not approach until the world arrives.
The thing you must remember is that if you shoot someone with a handgun don't be surprised if they don't even react or run off.

I think this is the exception rather than the rule. If I can get to my .308 bullpup, I'll gladly use that for Home Defense, otherwise, it will most likely be a 9mm or 10mm gun that I happen to have near me.
Quick evaluation you can do. Fill two 1 gal milk jugs with water. Screw on lids. Shoot the first one with your 10MM. Shoot the second one with your 308.
I don't understand why anyone protects a house with a pistol.

I carry a Glock 10mm with handloads and a laser. It holds 11 rounds @ 1250 fps, and aiming carefully, I can put every shot in 1.5" at 7 yards. With a burglar in my living room, I would expect that to open up to a foot, which is not good.

With 7.62x39mm, I can have a short rifle with 31 rounds in it waiting by my bed. Over 2300 fps. Much less likely to miss. Much harder to shoot myself. Way more damage per round. Penetrates concealment and clothing better than a pistol.

Don't most armed home invaders use pistols? Real bad idea in my house.
If you stop and think about it, just about everything that was said in this post doesn't matter. The reason is because we as individuals believe that our brand X gun with brand X ammo is the perfect weapon for us to defend ourself when the time comes to defend ourselves. We wouldn't know for sure until the time comes to defend ourself. Until that time does come; keep practicing, keep looking for the new and improved weapon, ammo, and advise, and don't forget to thank God for not having to use deadly force to defend yourself today.
Why a pistol?

1. Easier to manipulate in household emergencies. Using the phone, holding a kid or hurt family member. Using a light.

2. Easier to manipulate corners. unless you really practice.

3. Easier to have on your person. A long arm by your bedroom is useless when you are in the kitchen and several rooms away.

The long arm is useful if you have time to get to it or it is the hunker down because you have warning time.

The usual stopping power post ignores the tactical use of the weapon in a household.