Ethics of hunting at feed stations

You know Art I tell everyone leave the ATVs at home. on opening morning when all the ATVs come out the deer go the other way. Art you sound like you been there and done that:)
Send me a PM and I will certainly entertain the idea!

I like to meet forum members. If you want to go I don't have a problem with that. We pretty much have a house in the woods. All you will need to bring is what you like to hunt with. I have everything else. If you are lucky to be there when Mike is there. (the guy in the wheelchair) he is a great guy to talk to. He was born deaf but he knows how to read lips. He has some great storys. I was always amazed how well this guy could hunt for a guy that could not hear.
Thanks Impact!:D Mike sure sounds like an interesting guy, I would like to meet him. I will be more than happy to share my hunting grounds with you as well. Public land, where you can not set up stands or feeders or anything that even stays overnight. Lots of walking, lots of fun, kind of hard on the old legs but still a great way to spend a day.

It is shotgun or muzzleloader only. Typically I carry in my lunch and stay from dark to dark. But unless we get some rain, I am not sure how productive it will be this year. Usually there are lots of sign, but this fall I found very little sign.

I always figgered there was a problem when I saw a deer call that imitated an automatic feeder.

It's kind of like rattling the dogfood bag and then shooting Rover.
it all depends....

on where youre hunting.... in some parts of the country, stand/ feeder hunting is rediculously easy. in others, its not. from where i'm from in texas, a stand and feeder by no means guaruntee a successful hunt. in fact, i have been hunting for ten years now and have only taken four deer(granted, i am somewhat selective and have let a few pass). the terrain just makes stalking prohibitive, as does the method of land distribution in texas. large open range just doesnt exist here. there are no mountains to stalk over and such. in some ways, stand hunting can be like a chess game with the deer. last season i saw the buck of my life from a stand, but he wouldnt give me a shot. over the next five nights, we danced a delicate ballet around each other, him trying to live, me....well you know. i saw him five times in five nights, each time i shifted the location of my popup stand, the location of the corn i spread, the gun i used and the range at which i tried to take him. on the hill, at the bottom, in the tree, under the tree, etc. the point is , i tried a dozen different tactics. and every night i saw him. but due to the terrain, i never got the shot. so dont tell me stand hunting is cheating. it is an art of its own. just a different art.
impact, I gotta admit I do have a few years of messin' with Bambi, and learning a bit about his general behavior.
