Ethical Question

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Swifty Morgan

New member
The other day I was making ammunition, and I decided to quit and pour my powder back into the jug. I had two Unique jugs. One-pound and five-pound. I had thrown the small one out earlier in the day after pouring the last of it into the powder measure.

It occurred to me that I should keep the small jug because it's easier to handle when filling the powder measure. I could fill it from the big jug and then fill the measure several times from the small one.

I saw a plastic bottle cap in the trash and grabbed it to pull the bottle out. I started pouring powder into the bottle.

Then I realized it was a Gatorade bottle. I was so tired I had grabbed it without looking. There was Gatorade residue in it, and I had poured a good half cup of powder in over it.

My question: when I use this powder to make ammunition for guests, and then I shoot against them for money, should I tell them?
What you should do is pour the contaminated powder out in the grass. NEVER NEVER NEVER load contaminated powder. It doesn't matter what it's contaminated with pour it out and learn from the mistake.
You could do like I did. I had some contaminated fast burning pistol powder I needed to get rid of so when my grandkids came over for sleep over and I had a fire burning that evening in the firepit, they started talking about the "Lord of the Rings" movies.

I told them Gandoff had nothing over me. I went in the house and got two big handfulls of this powder and went out to the fire pit.

I put both hands up in the air and yelled "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!"
And threw both hand fulls of Bullseye in over the fire so if fell down on it.

Massive fire ball, Grandkids screaming and running in the house, and me laughing my but off.

That is until they went home and they told their mother they were afraid of me because I was an evil wizard.

I got a phone call from their mother later and after a lengthy explanation my daughter in law did finally start laughing, and said "Good One".
Do you mean wet contamination r just sticky stuff?

If its wet contamination,I like the lawn fertilizer idea.

If its just a little sticky stuff,there is no ethical dilemna if you use it to load your own ammo.

The core idea of ethics is to deal with other people as you are dealing with their face.

If you would consider any compromise,you reenforce the principle most of us follow : Do not shoot other peoples reloads.

I;m thinking Gator Ade bottle caps are orange. Gator ade bottles are clear.

Powder canisters are black.

Its critical that powder containers and labeling be treated with focus and concentration.

If you can accidentally pour powder into a Gatorade bottle,you can pournBullseye into a H-4350 cannister.

This may sound harsh,but being real,you should not be loading for other people.

Maybe let them run your press to load their own.
Shouldn’t this have been posted April 1st , but I’ll play . I like my powder to be dry for consistent ignition and Gatorade helps keep things hydrated . Therefore there would be too much moisture in the powder to use but as long as you’re only letting your friends and family use it I don’t see a problem with that . It should help your scores comparatively .
It wasn't the grenade part of your statement that I was referring to. :)

When I was a kid, my family moved from Tampa to Miami. On the final drive, I decided I wanted some air. Intending to roll the window down, I opened the door instead.

All sorts of things can happen when you're tired.

Having lived in Miami for a long time, I can't say I was better off not falling out of the car.
It is never a good idea to put powder in unmarked containers. Keep it in the original container that it came in. A classic invitation to disaster.
I'm not a fan of "practical jokes" with flammables... The Wizard may have pulled it off as planned this time.... But horseplay gone wrong has put many a person in the hospital or grave. Now someone else has been encouraged to try this stunt... What if they get unintended consequences? It's like, "Here, hold my beer and watch this.". I hate it when people get hurt over a stunt gone wrong.
All sorts of things can happen when you're tired.

You are the guy who wants to load everything to the max,leaving no margin for error.

Yet you offer "being tired" as an excuse for mistaking a gator ade bottle for a powder cannister.

A very basic rule for loading ammo,and I include packaging powder, is to be 100% .

Its not OK to be "too tired" ot too drunk or too stoned or too wrapped up in conversation or watching TV.

Reloading is rather serious. Like Driving.

And you are joking about it.

Ethics? Really? How about the ethics of handing these reloads to your friends to shoot?
You are the guy who wants to load everything to the max,leaving no margin for error.

Yet you offer "being tired" as an excuse for mistaking a gator ade bottle for a powder cannister.

A very basic rule for loading ammo,and I include packaging powder, is to be 100% .

Its not OK to be "too tired" ot too drunk or too stoned or too wrapped up in conversation or watching TV.

Reloading is rather serious. Like Driving.

And you are joking about it.

Ethics? Really? How about the ethics of handing these reloads to your friends to shoot?

Lighten up, Francis. You may make a mistake yourself some day.

You are the guy who wants to load everything to the max,leaving no margin for error.

Not sure where you got that idea.
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