Entry level Class III gun?

For full auto fun and inexpensive magazines, the Sten is pretty hard to beat. The cost of ammunition (always an issue with full auto) is relatively cheap when compared to a 45. If you go this route, join a WW II reenactment group which is 501(c)(3). Any money spent (including a commando uniform) will be tax deductible. Why not write off your hobby?
4V50 Gary,

I don't think that you are quite correct on this.

If the re-enactor group is a 501(c)(3) organization (basically a charitale organization, but also includes some others), then the income of the organization is not taxable. Deductibilty of money spent by participants in the organization will be covered by the rules governing charitable contributions.

Donations to qualified charitable organizations are deductible. The money spent by an individual to participate in that organization is not deductible (with certain exceptions).

For example: contributions to your church are deductible, buying a new suit and tie to wear to church is not deductible.