England realized its mistake

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I personally don't think all you with your pocket pistols will make any difference if there were an invasion. And besides, if there were a serious threat of an armed invasion, most of you of military age would be in the army anyway. The patriotic ones, at least.

Britain does have an arms industry; they just don't manufacture civilian weapons.

Ah, the revolution! It sort of created a bad precident, didn't it? But it wasn't much of a revolution to begin with. It was more of a colonial war and it was a "war OF the states" in that congress more or less fought the war by begging the states to provide the means for doing so. It is a wonder we won. And it wasn't because everyone was a skilled rifleman, either.

I'd becareful about broadcasting the claim that someone can have your gun when it can be pried from your cold, dead hands. That can be arranged, you know.
Golly gosh,Blue train,it almost sounds like you think you will be the guy to do the arranging and prying.
I already know I am going to die.I am OK with it.
"You can have my gun when you pry it from my cold, dead hands" makes a good bumper sticker, but I wonder how many are willing to sacrifice their families to make that statement.

I'm not trying to start an argument, just saying that mass civil disobedience sounds like a great idea, until you actually have to make people put their lives, family, and property where their mouth is...

In this age of rampant divorce and single-parented kids, how many people out there are virtual orphans with no real family that they stay in touch with or much care about on any regular basis? I can name more than a few people with very limited family ties. Further, how many of those people have significant property to lose, especially in our current economic mess? I know a large number of renters.

I don't have that much to lose, but nobody will get it very easily, and i am not the only one.
Even in the US, such things are considered. During the VietNam riots of yore, in Ohio, NG units from outside the local area were used. I know folks in the local units who told their LTs after Kent State, that if they were told to fire on college kids, the LT might take a round first.

This^^^ irks me.

NG should NEVER be re-deployed around the US with the intent of "peace keeping" or insurrection suppression or anything like that.

If NG is to be deployed to the southern border (for example), it should be CA/AZ/NM/TX NG doing it in their respective States. Not PA or OH NG coming down here, while OR NG goes off to IL for some port security assignment or similar situation.

The "anti" argument is that the NG is the militia. As such, they must act in the best interests of their respective communities. They can't do that if they are strangers from 2000 miles away and out of touch with the issues the community faces.

New Orleans and Katrina are a perfect example of why foreign law enforcement and foreign NG should not be used. Not that NOPD exactly performed with honor on that occasion either... but the CA state troopers that went there didn't add to that negative honor score card either.
Tom Servo said:
Who do you think is going to be donning the knee-high boots and kicking down doors?

My historical study indicates in Germany during the '30s that the Brown Shirts (a political militia of thugs) did the kicking down of doors and the Weimar government sat on it's hands and let it happen. It wasn't the government that brutalized people initially it was an armed group of thugs. Later the thugs took power and BECAME the government. I suspect the same would happen here. I don't fear the government as much as I fear those who fear the government. I have some say in the former but none in the latter.
I do recall some organized thugs beating down a gentleman on TV not that long ago.The gentleman was selling tee shirts that the organized thugs did not like.
Seems the government sat on its hands.
I agree we might be threatened by organized thugs.Good reason to be well armed
You should be reminded that the National Guard was deployed along the Mexican border just before WWI, so it's all happened before. As to Kent State, I don't know where the guardsmen came from but the students came from all over themselves. Anyway, there were a few days of high tension before the pot boiled over, so to say, with more than a few people sitting behind their doors with loaded guns.

In Germany in the 20s, the government did in fact do something and Hitler himself was sent to jail. Later after he was elected, the thug element, mostly represented by the SA, was largely eliminated. The SS took over. The SS found to their surprise that people were more than willing to inform on their neighbors. I imagine a lot of grudges were settled that way. And while Germany ceased to be a democracy after Hitler was elected, that doesn't mean he did not have the full support of most of the people.

I like your comments about government, the gentleman from Tennessee.

Personally, the thing I fear most about the Tea Party movement is that they may have no one competent to be in government--or willing to serve a full term.
all you with your pocket pistols

A good friend of mine retired a couple years back as a Gunnery Sargeant, I will ask him about your pocket pistol insurgency, but I believe he is going to punch me in the nose. He would be slightly over the militia age group so he's really just this side of utter uselessness, or so I've read repeatedly.

It's hard to come out of such a deep hole...without threadlock and banning, but it sure makes for good reading.
Oh, I'm well past the militia age myself, too, for what it's worth. I'm sort of at the "I can hide but I can't run" stage. I wonder if the folks that wrote the constitution ever thought about women being in the militia?

I am from West Virginia and there have been a few times when there was some serious stuff between the people (some of the people, that is) and the state militia, as it was still called then. Basically it was an insurrection. It happened in southwestern West Virginia and is largely ancient history. Surely no one is alive that would remember it. It was all about labor problems in the mines and that pretty much says everything right there, if you know anything about the history of that union. There seems to have been no problem with the state putting down the troubles, at least after federal troops came in. Another factor was the use of so-called private detectives in the coal fields. What it boils down to is that the rich people run things, no matter what, whether they are in government or not. It took more than pocket pistols. They weren't teaching this in West Virginia history when I was in school. They tended to focus on golden horseshoes and let the rest slide.
Check out the book "The Great New Orleans Grab". The aftermath of Katrina showed us not only what our beloved government is capible of, but what they already have planned for us. There is also the factor of economic drain with Big Brother taking such good care of us. Here in Louisiana we can still see 1000's of house trailers sitting five years later......just sitting never having been used. We have areas that were leased, cleared, limestone roads put down, and water,sewer and electricity brought in and .......nothing......never were used at all. The ones that were used ended up being a sort of concentration camp/ghetto and three years later still had people living there crying about how bad they had it. And if you really want to lose some sleep grab your tin foil hat and google Rex 84....... bullets, toilet paper and spam......save em up.
HiBC said:
I do recall some organized thugs beating down a gentleman on TV not that long ago.

I recall that there was quite a bit of factual dispute about whether that happened as was alleged. But yes, you are right in that you have far more to fear from criminals than the government. Therefore, be careful of your surroundings and stay out of bars. Oh yes, and vote too.

pocket pistol insurgency

Now THAT is priceless :D
Differentiating between criminals and government is,at times,a futile pursuit
I most certainly vote.As a civil,peaceful citizen my vote ,my voice,my example,and how I spend my dollar comprise my functional political tools.
In reserve,I retain the right to say "No"As Ghandi did.As Cheif Joseph did,as the young man did at Tienaman Square.
Talk is cheap,and only the moment will tell the story'
Those folks I admire and respect.The men who had the courage to sign the Declaration of Independenve I admire and respect.
They all ended up suffering at the hands of a thug government.
I have no positive sentiment for David Koresh,he was probably a criminal that needed to be arrested and prosecuted.The seige that unnecessarily murdered all the other folks in the builing was a thug giovernment.
Lon Horiuchi and co were tools of a thug government when they assasinated members of Randy Weaver's family.
Timothy McVeigh was a complete ,utter scumbag murderer I have no respect for.I loath all he did as evil.I rationalize none of it.
The children that died in the compound at Waco are just as dead.Randy Weavers kid and wife are just as dead.Those deaths were just as wrong,just as stupid,and just as evil.
It was wrong,stupid and evil to beat down Ghandi for making salt.
The wrong,stupid evil is the application of violence for reasons other than self defense.
All political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.Political power is the power to coerce.
Each and every step away from limited government is a step toward tyranny.
The man who said save up some Spam and bullets was wise.
I agree,VOTE!!!
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That is scary rhetoric and likely to get the thread locked. Our present government is neither tyrannical nor criminal. Duly reported.
And that smacks of intimidation, in my opinion.

I consider the current government quite the tyrant in some regards and, in some cases criminal, in the acts of its agents. That's only my opinion & is not meant to sway you from yours. Of course, i don't see many out there that are doing much better at governing fairly and without the occasional act of tyranny, oppression, or some minor criminal oppsies now and then.
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"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government,
so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution
so the second will not become the legalized version of the first."
Thomas Jefferson. The sentiment seems legit, even if the choice of expressing it here isn't.
When a government slips outside of the established boundaries here and there, who knows what the limits become?
A shame the UK didn't have our boundaries, altho wathcing the video in the OP, was this a voluntary loss of firearm rights?.
"And that smacks of intimidation, in my opinion."

Actually, it smacks of very clearly stated and enforced forum rules.

It seems that, since we've tipped over to the purely political, combined with the revolutionary, it's time for this one to go to bed.
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