Enfield thoughts

it has south african property marks, and came from the importer with the varnish job slopped on over previous rack numbers that were not completely
removed, and a red paint stripe on the first inch or so of wood at the muzzle. None done in the mannor of somebody trying to beautify...just stabilize the wood.
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Well I guess mine is a shooter Ive only found two numbers so far bolt and receiver . No match.

Mate ... that IS a match and that is a very good thing, the bolt AND receiver are the most important matches you want as I already stated above.. What you don't have is an ALL matching rifle which is not such a big deal at all, you have a matching rifle which is about as good as it gets. All matching is just a cherry on top.

This idea of shooter vs not is wrong ... we are getting confused here. All these rifles are shooters AND collectors, whether matching numbers or not. If by shooter you mean it is a beater then that is also wrong - just because the rifle does not match does not mean it is a beater.

You have what we call a Keeper ... it is both for shooting and collecting; care and consideration apply in either case.

Best, Tiki.
"Ethics"? What has "ethics" to do with me legally doing as I please with my private property?

Nothing. Remind me not to hand you a Picasso and some crayolas, or some first edition Ruarks and a Highlighter:p

WildmodifyawayAlaska TM
Nothing. Remind me not to hand you a Picasso and some crayolas, or some first edition Ruarks and a Highlighter

Really. That's actually a concern of yours. :rolleyes:

The discussion was about the concept of ethics and morality, from which ethics is derived. If you'd followed the thread you'd have seen where I said I don't modify milsurps. Instead you hip-shot a smarty-pants reply.

I don't modify Picassos and Ruarks.
The discussion was about the concept of ethics and morality, from which ethics is derived. If you'd followed the thread you'd have seen where I said I don't modify milsurps. Instead you hip-shot a smarty-pants reply.

Lighten up Francis.

You said:

"And if I want to sand, strip, refinish, drill, tap, recondition, cut, chop, re-blue, alter, modify, re-barrel, bury, re-stock, paint, plate, or grind to a pile of dust a military surplus firearm that I own, as long as I don't break any silly-a$$ modification laws (another travesty) "ethics" doesn't come into play."

Hence my reply

WildhackawayAlaska ™
Instead you hip-shot a smarty-pants reply.
I'm not sure, but something tells me that somewhere along the way, WA has been accused of worse.

Anyway, I don't equate an Enfield to a Picasso (at least while there's more 'n hundred or so left) and don't know why anyone would. Go ahead and Bubba it up.
Uh, Yeah...

Your best bet if you did refinish, (which I would do) would be to make it LOOK original. You know how the old K98's had an almost red finish, well I found one that was faded to some kind of baby puke green. I refinished it and uh...I wouldn't have had it

A N Y O T H E R W A Y!
All this talk of ethics vis-a-vis refinishing is relative anyway, as anyone who collects C-96s knows. There are refinished C-96s bringing 5 figures, but they were refinished correctly.

I'm not sure, but something tells me that somewhere along the way, WA has been accused of worse.

Say it ain't so!!