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Encourage clearer 'subject' headings!

Bumping because:

1)I was going to start a new thread with the very same request but I did a SEARCH (:eek:), yes, a search, and... here it was.

2)This is the funniest thread that I've seen on TFL in a long time, so it's worth bumping from 3721 days ago just for that.

but, what do you say Mods? Time for a "Have an Actual Subject in the Subject." rule?
Well Shuck'a mighty!

Naw that would be too "curmudgenly" to expect...:rolleyes: You gotta remember that reality is strictly relative and I assure you I can convince these folks that my dumb burro self thought "that" (whatever is in subject line) was THE subject:D "stupid is as stupid convinces those that think they are smart, does"
I'm not asking for perfection...

It doesn't have to resemble the introduction to a PhD thesis but it shouldn't be too much to ask for a title to not be:

"What if I"

"Could I"

"Imagine if"

Hard to police? Well, sure, but so is "Language not suitable for polite company..." and "Mangling of the english language...." but there's still an effort made.

In fact, titles without some sort of valid subject could easily fall under TFL rules 1 and 4.

After all, in order for a "Topic" to be "firearms related", there must actually be a topic.... "Could I" is not a topic. A topic without a subject is certainly "mangling of the english language", is it not?
Man! Talk about a bunch of clowns back then ... oh, wait ...


Seriously, we all would like to see valid thread titles, no one more so than me. I even edit several titles a day of the worst examples. However, what to do about it overall is another kettle of fish.

Do we edit the titles? Not enough time in the day to do that.

Do we ban the offending member? Much too harsh a punishment for such a simple problem.

Do we delete the thread? Not a bad solution, if we can catch it before any substantial posts have been added. Otherwise, it's not fair to the respondents.

Should we PM the offender? Again, the time required would be even more prohibitive than editing the title.


You've identified a problem, or rather posted about the problem, since most of us already knew it was a problem. What is your suggested solution?
Mal H said:
What is your suggested solution?

I'm not sure that I have one that would be both effective and efficient.

I could suggest a Sticky... but we all know how that works.

I don't know.

As is the case with so much of the "behind the scenes" work, I wasn't aware that there were a significant number of titles being fixed by the Mods. Since you guys are already working away at it then I would suppose that the current situation is likely as good as could be expected.

I'd just think that for the salary you guys are pulling in, you could keep up a little better...:D;)
I think a better solution would be to ban the people who are complaining about it.

OK, it's not a solution, but at least we don't have to listen to it. :D
Mike, I thought that was what ya'll already did with whiners in the help section:D Watch it Pete-da-killer... They seem to be lookin' like a pack of pitbulls waiting for some one to toss a poodle in their pen :eek: So do you want a WHAAAA burger and french cries...