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Encourage clearer 'subject' headings!

Robert Foote

New member
You might want to suggest that posters use clearer subject headings. I don't know about anyone else, but when I see something like 'I have a problem' or 'a very interesting day' I can't pass by quickly enough. I'm not going to waste my time finding out what the issue is, let alone answering it...

And file the appropriate New Thread Application to the propper forum admin, with duplicates to...

Sorry, Robert... I disagree. No Neck Ties required.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
We, the people, are tired of being taxed, penalized, supervised, harassed,
and subjugated by a federal government which exceeds the powers
enumerated in the U.S. Constitution.
I agree with Robert. If subject titles pertained to the subject matter, searching could be a joy. We'd only have to search titles instead of entire threads.

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited December 16, 1999).]
Would be nice Robert, but considering the our regional venacular, educational level, articulation skills, writing style or what we had for lunch (or more importantly, if what we drank is still in us), that's a pretty tough thing to police. Bear with us please.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Thank you, Gary! Nicely said. It's good to associate with a Gentleman!

And as for you, Mr. "Let's-you-and-him-fight" George, I said *senior*. At my age only a few are older but, due to my (ahem!) *varied* background I seem to be a newbie everywhere I go!

And by the way, George! I definitely disagree with you when you say rifle shooters are all pansies!

(Heh, heh, heh! That'll fix 'im! ;))
To paraphrase my dad on several occasions:

All right you three! If I have to stop this bulletin board and come back there, you're all going to be in deep kimchee!
Yeah right! Gary, you stop staring at Dennis and he'll stop calling you names. Right Dennis? Right Dennis? And George you stop egging them on and all three of you stop pumping your fists at the truck drivers! They scare the heck out of your mom everytime they blow their horn.

I’m laughing so hard I hardly can type!

Playing along on this thread, I’m laughing to myself (out loud) when my
Mother comes in and asks, “What on earth has you laughing so much?”

Den: This thread, Mom. Here, let me read it to you.
(Dennis reads the thread to his Mother - complete with “voices”!)

Mom: And that’s what you do in here all day?

Den: No, I...

Mom: I thought you were trying to fight all these gun control people!

Den: Mom, what I was trying to say...

Mom: You sound like a bunch of little children!

Dennis loses it, can't reply!
Mom starts to really complain!
Dennis becomes really hysterical!
Mom become really angry and stomps out....

Dang, guys! I can’t stop laughing every time I see her look at me!
(She looked at me FIRST! BWAAAHAAAHAAA!!!)

I gotta quit this.... :D :D :D ! My stomach hurts.

(And in my case, that could be declared a tri-state disaster area! ;))
From a sensible question this has rapidly degenerated into an "internal matter" which requires intervention at the Administrator Level. George and Dennis, I think we're all going to get an email from Rich pretty soon.
Why yes. Of course, Gary. A little decorum...


*I* like your idea but Gary and George won't buy it because THEY think our members are too ignorant and undisciplined to do it.

Merry Christmas.

Thanks guys! I just scared the heck out of my Mother again! :D :D :D!!!!