Embarrassed to ask…

Don't load the same bullet over and over. You're going to get bullet set back.

You pulling the trigger is the step that wears springs. Under tension doesn't kill spring life. Movement does. Leaving it cocked hurts the spring not at all. If you are wanting to be safe, pulling the trigger on a gun is the most unsafe thing you can do.

I do not care a fig because no one on here has had to use a gun in defense: I carry unchambered. I don't live anywhere scary. I would move long before I would considered carrying a gun necessary where I lived. "Trainers" promoting carrying loaded...yeah...your profession is guns. Mine isn't.
Hate to ask this question but…
I have a Beretta Pico and a Kahr CM9, both semi automatics, both double action. I’m carrying my gun loaded with a round in the chamber. I get home and want to put my gun away. I drop the magazine, rack the slide to eject the remaining round,…then what? Do I have to point the gun in a safe direction and pull the trigger? Or not?

Please don’t beat me up over this question.

magazine is out, no round in the chamber. Gun is safe. Secure as you think prudent.
Both guns are for real double-action only semi autos. No need to pull the trigger once the mag is dropped and chambered emptied. In fact, it's a no-no for the Pico. It can break the firing pin according to owners and is expressly recommended against in the manual. I have the Pico and sometimes carry it as a backup.

Hmmm...I misspoke re: PM9... From the rags I'd read, it says for reals DAO. I guess even the rags aren't really up to speed on DAO semi autos. There are indeed very few around. I have a few that are - Beretta Pico, Kel Tec P11, Sig P250... yeah, love revolvers... :D
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"Both guns are for real double-action only semi autos."

Just to be clear; the Kahr is not a DAO action.
I'm a Veteran, have owned and lawfully carried for decades. Currently own 2 dozen handguns. And in the last 10 years have personally sent 1 round each into my recliner and bedroom mattress!!! So, even when you think your pointing in a safe direction, YOU may still NOT be safe.
Kahr doesn't have "restrike" capability like a P38 or its many relatives, but your trigger finger is doing the same work every shot. Close enough to DAO for me.