Email California's Govornor!

No sales.

Here is an idea. I expect many of you would not support it, as it is a bit extreme. It would, however, be seriously effective if enough people were involved.
At this juncture, it's too late to email politicians or lobbyists. Perhaps we should re-direct our email traffic to ammunition manufacturers and retailers. Here is a suggestion for the text of the message:

Dear Sir/Madam,

In response to the unconstitutional repression of freedom committed by the State of California, manifested in the form of AB962, the lawful and rightfully entitled gun owners of America will no longer buy products from manufacturers who make profit or offer for sale any of their products to the law enforcement and government agencies of the State of California. We can no longer offer our dollars to manufacturers or retailers who support the people and organizations who work to strip away the rights of American People.

John Q. American

I have to assume that a few hundred thousand of those to Hornaday, Federal, or Remington would have an effect on their corporate policies. And in regards to smaller manufactures who also provide munitions to LE, even just tens of thousands would put them under.
The secret to the success of this plan is that it has to be acted upon, not just spoken of. We, collectively, need to be willing to take the hit to our wallets and buy more expensive ammo, or research our products, or shoot less, whatever it takes.
I will also use this post to call out the past, in reference to the future. Gun owners, overall, are a sad, sorry lot when it comes to things like this. It is the few doing the work of the many. At a time like this, that must stop. We owe it to ourselves and to one another to take real action, not words and letters, while the legal and economic means to do so are still viable. The day is fast approaching when that might not be possible. Like many others, I do not want to see that day come. If it does, it means we've failed every day up to that point.
Whether we boycott manufacturers, boycott retailers, write letters, or choose some other course of action, we are in a time where small victories are no longer acceptable.

Regards to all,
Is there a Firearm Industry Council for store owners large and small and manufacturers who may be affected? There should be, the small segment of the economy containing my trade smushed CARB and the EPA and proposed rules/regs that were in place to affect motorcycle owners across the country....emanating from Cali. It cost business owners large and small, but in the end Cali, CARB and the EPA folded, at least for the time being.

Very different situation, but I don't understand why the industry doesn't protect its interests by having an organized sector lobby outside of the RKBA groups. Maybe there is a group? If so, what do they say, or is it so low key as to be confused with heads in the sand? Frankly, between this and the lead ban, something out there isn't working.

Good luck!
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News videos on a local Fox station have a couple of store owners saying they are on board with the law. Remember limiting mail order ammo helps their sales.
it wont help them with sales one bit. people are just going to go rogue on getting ammo. i would not want my name placed on any registration for ammo. plus the one box per person per month or whatever it is. i would risk driving out of state and making purchases before i'd buy there now. and you will see the craze to get it mail order until it goes into effect.
Doesn't limit purchases, but requires the tracking of ammo. I am not sure the 50 round limit is actually in the final bill; I'll have to go back and read it.

I haven't tracked the bill really close as I reload all handgun ammo and purchase only rifle ammo via the web from Civilian Marksmanship Program.

I did want to protest the bill in that I do not think it really does anything to restrict criminals other than those that are really stupid--same as registration of handguns.
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The 50 round thing is how much you can sell or give away without being a licensed ammo dealer. As far as I could tell, the bill had no limits on the amount you could buy at any one time.

Just don't give a couple of boxes of ammo to a friend. That would make you a "dealer" without a license.:rolleyes: