Elk hunting, Colorado, 3rd Season, What to Bring?

Altitude sickness is brought about by dehydration..not a lack of aspirin. Drink LOTS of water.

Notes on water.. bring "city" water or boil/filter your water (there is a nasty bug called Giardia in some water sources) which can play hell with your stomach too.

Even when its bitter cold you need to drink water (not coffee not beer) but Water/gatorade/kool-aid. Something that will re-hydrate your system. Drinks that contain caffiene actually make you dehydrate faster.

Pack a bannana or two in your cooler (so it doesn't freeze) These will help ally cramps,as will taking doses of salt (put a lil extra on your taters at night) another "quick trick" for getting extra salt into your system is A-1 sauce ( a lil dab'l do ya).

Ibuprofin or aspirin should be in your camp at all times, if not BOTH.

hope the tips help,

Actionshooter, just for the last 20 years is all - but I still can't figure out how I managed it without a pair of goggles. I'm not only gonna pick some up for me, but a pair for all my mules too. Yep, we'll be the envy of all the other camps this year. God I love being "high tech". ;)
slymule, PLEASE PLEASE post pictures of you and your mules outfitted with genyooine L.L. Bean goggles. That is a sight that I would love to see!!! :)