Elk hunting, Colorado, 3rd Season, What to Bring?


New member
I'd appreciate advise to what gear and accessories to bring on my first elk trip. I have friends supplying the camp, so I am looking for "personal gear."



Stuff you will need:

Warm Waterproof (Snowproof) Boots
Warm Sleeping Bag (Zero Rating Minimum)
Implements to subdue and dismember elk beast
Warm Clothes
Warm Gloves
Warm (Orange) Hat

Basic message - it can get cold!! And it won't be no fun if you are too!!

Have Fun - JohnDog
Eric, I'll add to the list. Hunting 3rd season you WILL have snow unless it's a very unusual season. Also, if born on or after Jan.1,1949 - you must have a hunter safety card. You'll need it to buy your license and be required to carry it with you along with your license. For clothes - flourescent orange vest and hat, gaiters or waterproof pants (I use goretex). One box of baby wipes (very handy), a lg. bottle of aspirin (you WILL get a headache daily if walking any amount), a bottle of Kaopectate or equivalent (better safe than sorry!), 2 qt. water container (you'll dehydrate quickly if you drink any less), a compass, small flashlight w/alot of extra batteries and bulb, several lighters or waterproof matches, layered clothing to stay warm (don't forget the longhandles), good gloves, and the normal stuff (gun, shells, knife, toothbrush, etc). It will be cold, it will snow, you may spend the night in the woods - pack accordingly. I like a fanny pack to carry with me during the day, some people prefer a backpack. You'll want to be able to shed or add clothes during the day or you'll be miserable - thats why some type of fanny pack or backpack. Expect temperatures to vary 20-50 degrees during the course of a day.
hey erick it s me ed .i went two years ago third season.heres my tips.
camelback or canteen.
gore tex boots and jacket.
layer up when you go out so you can peel off some at midday and put back on at night.
2 pair warm gloves and liners.
chapstick and sunscreen the wind is a real bitcxxxH
small compact binos and a 20 power fixed compact spotting scope for cking out the juniper.they like to hide there.
compass and gps
extra ammo for signaling if you get hurt or lost.
first aid kit
a set of leg gaiters for kepping of the snow are great
a tripod is nice for your spotting scope and it seconds as a good rifle rest.just turn it 45 degreesand soot off it.its almost as good as a benchrest.almost.
i like to take the heater meals for a midday snack.
a spare set of boots are amust along with a flashlite and extra batteries.be sure to take extra batteries for the gps also.
alternate lite sources could be the kem sticks.you know the kind ,the ones you snap and they lite up.they are lite weight and compact and put out one hell of a lite.if you get lost the helocopters with there (fleer)can see you miles away,i saw how they work in the video "sniper" by john plaster.they are amazingly bright.ps are yall using horseback or 4 wheel drives?
if anyone goes to col for elk hunting and uses a outfitter and they tell you they are putting you on private land be sure to ck it out.many of them out there put you on public lands that are not travelled much.its a shame that the few ruin it for the many but hunting has become big business out there.
Thanks everyone! It should be a great time- I'm looking forward to it!

Gunmart - There will be two pack horses for the heavy stuff, the rest of us (6?) are hiking in 2.3 to 3 miles. They told me where, but I don't remember off hand.

ok get the frame pack and pack it with all the goretex and goodies it will hold.the frame packs are expensive $150 to $300 but are worth it ,they have lots of support for your lower back so you can pack more than you would be able to with a reg pack.

the last thing should be lots and lots of those heater packs.you know the kind that open up and heat when they contact the air.you can really heat yourself up with just a minimal amout of clothing.

i have found over the years that wool pants and poly pro underwear will keep you warm even when they get wet.they go where i go.
The Gators.....get two pair. These are the best thing since sliced bread if there is (and here should be) snow.

Spend the bucks on a good pack...nothing worse than a sore back....

Spend more money on good boots, same as above.

TOPO maps of area you are going to hunt and learn to read them with a compass if you don't know how. Don't be embarased ask for help. Better than spending a nite in the hills.

Everyone else has talked about layering...do it.

"single shot shooters only shoot once"
the last two trips to col we used four whellers and horses.the goggles kept the snow out of our faces and the dust out of our eyes.try riding behind someone on a 4 wheeler sometime.you got to remember the winds out there get to 75 miles per hour for extended periods of time.there a great investment and wouldent go without them.

ps go to your eyeglass store and get the antifog stuff for your glasses and all your optics.it makes cleaning your optics alot easier.
I'll e-mail you a good gear list if you like..

but remember the MOST important gear you will bring is your sleeping bag and your boots. Everything else PALES to keeping warm and dry. You can suppliment the effectiveness of your sleeping bag by wrapping it in surplus wool blankets. LOTS of wool socks (pack more than you need and carry dry ones with you in your pockets or fanny pack) carry emergency stuff.. a flashlight, matches, a space blanket etc.

Wool clothing is the best for keeping you warm and toasty.. even IF they get wet. Fleece is another good choice but it doesn't stop the wind at all. Dressing in layers is the way to go.. the weather can change at anytime so be prepared.

If its sunny and warm in the morning... you STILL put your stocking cap in your pocket and take your gloves and survival gear.

If you are driving into your hunt area.. you can always leave your 'heavy coat " in the truck and hike in your lighter weight stuff.

Well i usually carry a LOT of stuff here in 3rd season in Colorado (MID november this year)

But that stuff includes:

a 30-06 and ten rounds

a 44 magnum pistol and 24 rounds (yeah its a load but you can shoot gamewith it OR signal)

a Cold Steel Tanto knife
a wyoming knife and spare blade

a bandanna (triangular bandage)
an emergency space blanket
100 feet of parachute cord
spare dry socks (wool)
a compass and topo map
gorp/beef jerky/2 carnation breakfast bars
a metal match
waterproof matches
small film can 1/2 full of clacium carbide (when mixed with wather makes
acetylene gas you can start a fire that is soaking wet)
energency candle
spare batteries
3 cyalume lightsticks
metal sierra cup (can be used as a mini frying pan too)
meat saw (can also be used to cut boughs to make shelter)
Swiss army knife
Polypropelene headover (hat/scarf thing)
a small camera
pack of smokes

Usually also have 2 pair gloves and a fleece vest and wool sweater on.. plus
heavywieght Polish army fatigues and leather/cordura hiking boots

if its REALLY cold I'd be wearing wool NATO fatigues and pac boots and a heavy
wool coat and hat.

You usually don't have to carry water in 3rd season.. but i have a camel back for
that too.

col had a horrible year hunting 1999 (not enough bad wheather)outfitters were crying the blues and kill tags were way down.this year ought to be great if they get a little bad wheather.

I just thought of something but I am a flatlander who smokes(ed) a bunch.

On every trip out I would get "altitude sickness" after a ard hike and gain i altitude. This brought on chills, headache etc....not fun in a hunting camp with elk runnng around.

Now I spend a day or so getting stable at altitude and resting.

Just a thought from a flatlander.

"single shot shooters only shoot once"
Thanks for the tips everyone. I spent 5 years or so living around 7900 feet above sea level, so am familiar with the altitude. I've sent your ideas on to my friends I'll be hunting with, and should have a good settup ready come November.
