Electronic Voting Machines

As long as we have elections, we'll have election fraud.

Fixed that for you. Unless, of course, you were actually trying to imply that election fraud is and has been a solely a Democratic endeavor in this country, in which case you should probably just stop.
I have helped count the old paper ballots before and I can guarantee you there is no more fraud and errors in any type of voting machine than in the paper ballots. As for the idea of keeping a paper tape it wouldn't be hard to tell who voted which way if you could get your hands on the rosters and tapes. As long as we have dead people voting, no ID's required and people standing outside offering bribes there will be fraud. I know of one local case where right before setencing the judge asked the fellow if he had anything to say in his favor. The fellow replied "Your honor, I swear I did not know it was illegal to buy votes". The judge replied, "Since you are the fourth one in this case that has told me that I believe you, six months". We had about 8 people serving time for that several years back.
Why electronic voting?

Electronic voting

If there is not a piece of paper marked by a human hand (many human hands) it's NOT a vote in my book. The Diebold machines have been demonstrated to be security "swiss cheese" on many occasions. As another poster suggested a "recount" will only involve counting the votes recorded in the machine. If a subroutine in the software has already compromised the data, the "recount" is meaningless. The point of all of this is that it greatly simplifies any rigging activities. There will be no courts involved if the recount comes out the same as the original count. I know I'll get accused of being a tinfoil hat conspiracy-nut on this but for the elite, its just dotting a few i's and crossing a few t's. True democracy is bad for business.