El Presidente

Okay, I set up three BT-5A targets 3 feet edge to edge, 10 yards behind the firing line.
I faced my back to the targets, hands on my ear muffs.
When the beep went off I turned while drawing and proceeded to fire two rounds into each target, I performed a slide forward reload and proceeded to fire two more rounds into each target.

I considered the Lung box the "A-zone" it is about 8x8. Anything off the black of the Silohuette I considered a complete miss.

Here are the results for 5 runs:

Fastest: 5.63 4 hits outside the A zone, 1 miss.

"Best" (I think): 6.43 3 hits outside the A zone

Worst: 8.05 2 outside the A zone (first run, I racked the slide needlessly on the reload...duh!)

Other: 7.65 2 ouside A zone
6.85 3 outside the A zone

Glock 23 from a Blade Tec IWB Holster.
Extra mag from a Galco belt clip leather carrier.
Cat- not to fan the IPSC vs. IDPA flames- well, maybe a little bit, but isn't not counting your first run "gaming" it ?
Incidentally, breaking the 4.0-second barrier also requires all "A" hits. In other words, if someone shoots an El Prez in 3.95 seconds but gets even one "C", the time does not count for breaking the barrier. Of course, I'm struggling to break the much more penetrable barrier of 8 seconds.
The first run is the one that counted. I was just saying that if everything goes right you can do beter, so don't stop trying.
Some of my best friends shoot a lot of IPSC. I used to. There isn't a darn thing wrong with IPSC as long as you realize they allow a lot more gaming. One of my best friends can't draw a handgun unless he touches his firearm three times to make sure where it is on his belt, tries two or three sight pictures, loosens his mags in the holders, and assumes the exagerated "crouch" before giving the nod. He cannot just walk up and shoot at the beep. Let me say he is a VERY GOOD IPSC shooter. I just don't care to do that anymore.
Also there are about 4-5 USPSA clubs in Ohio and nine IDPA. Four of them within a one hour drive from my house. That gives me more opportunity to shoot.
I support ALL shooting sports. Even those clay bird shooters.
Keep Shooting!