Editorial on Ammo Shortage

A dark Ominous cloud moved into America and then brought havoc on the Country. No, it was not a Earth Quake, a series of tornado's or any other Natural disaster. It was a terror movement, the likes of which we have never seen in this Country. It bought destruction to thousands of business's, took cities hostage, destroyed property to the tune of billions of dollars, brought death and Mayhem. It set out to destroy our Heritage, every thing that stood as honorable in the Country. It had the ability to destroy the numbers of Police that protect the citizens from Crime and Criminals, the very element which was the storm itself. Walk down a city street that was hit by this storm and see the carnage it did. Talk to a Business owner that woke up one day and have him tell you the shock of seeing his life long business wiped out over night and watch him weep and wonder how he was now going to support his family.
This storm had and has more strength that any natural disaster. He brought in a cancer that would cause the victims to be banned, censored from even having a voice to dare say anything about it.
Yes, the American citizen became a creature of fear. They started to search for ways to protect themselves from the Carnage that is growing more every day and in so many different paths. They have started to plan for that protection.
These people are purchasing Guns and ammo in record numbers. WHY? Figure it out, they know if they do not get protection NOW, the Terror leaders will eventually take away that protection just like they are doing to the Police.
People say the US cannot actually have a civil war. Really? We are in one now and it is growing. And yes people are scared and they should be. But more importantly they should be Prepared. And being Prepared means buying defensiveness tools for the future. Guns and ammunition.
The Terror groups that are in power now are going to do every thing to take away any protection you have. And Americans are fully aware of this. Yes, there is a ammo shortage. America is preparing for this and the PROTECTION they will need for both family, business, home and Country.
The real reason of WHY there is a Ammo Shortage. It is fear, but a very justifiable and real fear from a very serious threat.
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Yeah...you just went full tinfoil on that one.
Lol,People have not set a record number of firearm sales each and every month because lack of a Duck Hunting Season. Some even believe none of the rioting existed or as they say "mostly Peaceful Protest". I am sure CNN would say I wear a tin hat. And come up with a cockamamie theory with Ducks and their erratic behavior because of the Tides as the cause of ammo sales. Quack Quack.
A lot of people that I know never owned a gun before New Year’s Day 2020... by New Years 2021, these people now own ARs and are now begging for ammunition.
Many have lost their livelihood, and are now being described with the same terminology by members of the government and citizens as enemy combatants merely for casting a ballot.
You go to any government facility from the DMV to the Capitol, they have separated themselves from the citizens using plexiglass, walls, concertina wire and troops.
I myself have experienced almost nightly riots for the past five years. I cannot display the flag of USA without worry of violence, vandalism or arson.
In my 4 mile drive to work every morning, most of the route is lined with homeless camps. Most every park, walking trail are filled with tents, trash, feces, heroine needles and addicts.

I could go on and on, but something is definitely amiss in our country. Some people are still insulated from all of it surrounded by a false sense of security being in Red state sanctuaries.

The difference from previous panics: previously people would panic buy under threat of more regulation... this time, people are buying out of genuine fear of the unknown future that they face.
A lot of people that I know never owned a gun before New Year’s Day 2020... by New Years 2021, these people now own ARs and are now begging for ammunition.
Many have lost their livelihood, and are now being described with the same terminology by members of the government and citizens as enemy combatants merely for casting a ballot.
You go to any government facility from the DMV to the Capitol, they have separated themselves from the citizens using plexiglass, walls, concertina wire and troops.
I myself have experienced almost nightly riots for the past five years. I cannot display the flag of USA without worry of violence, vandalism or arson.
In my 4 mile drive to work every morning, most of the route is lined with homeless camps. Most every park, walking trail are filled with tents, trash, feces, heroine needles and addicts.

I could go on and on, but something is definitely amiss in our country. Some people are still insulated from all of it surrounded by a false sense of security being in Red state sanctuaries.

The difference from previous panics: previously people would panic buy under threat of more regulation... this time, people are buying out of genuine fear of the unknown future that they face.

re: the current climate in the US, i'd say the pandemic was a perfect storm for the increase in violence, homelessness, panic buying, etc. Millions are out of work, rents/home prices keep going up, stagnating wages, etc., have led to an overwhelming sense of hopelessness and desperation. Social media isn't helpful either. I do not like what I see but I understand why it's happening.
I was killing time at basspro today and during a conversation with the employees I learned that last Saturday they had a substantial ammo shipment and people drove from as far as north and south Carolina! The line went down the stairs and to the parking lot for 7 hours.
I smile at this ammunition and gun buying frenzy just like the last ones we've lived through. My ammunition buying plan was simple and started long before the panics hit. Every paycheck I went and bought ammunition. Usually either a couple boxes of pistol ammunition, or a brick or 2 of .22lr, or a couple of boxes of rifle ammunition. By the time the Obama panic buy hit I was pretty well set. I was still out shooting pretty regularly. From Obama until now I would bet I haven't bought 10 total boxes of ammunition.

If it started appearing again regularly, and the price wasn't insane, I would go back to my old plan. Even if the store would let me I wouldn't empty the shelf of my particular caliber. Why? Because I don't need to and all it does is add to the shortage.