I didn’t see whether or not this covers 80% lowers. If not aren’t we all just gunna bust out ye’ole router and jigs and make our own toys.
No, we all aren't.
#1) some of us like other things than build it yourself ARs.
#2) Enjoy fondling your 80% lump of metal. Its not useful for anything but a paperweight. As soon as you turn it into a gun, its a semiautomatic assault weapon under the state law, and you're just as screwed as the rest of us.
You don't get a pass just because you made it yourself. In fact, you MAY be violating the new STATE law just by making it. DO you think, even for a moment that the people who created and support 1639 will let you off the hook just because you didn't violate any FEDERAL law when you router'd out your new toy?
I don't. I see a wonderful opportunity for their side to get a ruling that making a semiautomatic assault weapon is,
A) subject to the same license, tax, storage, background checks, and training requirements as a purchased semiautomatic assault weapon
B) a clear case of conspiracy to violate the law. You built it, "only" to avoid those requirement. They don't even need to make an argument about "unlicensed manufacture", (but they probably will try that angle too..), they'll argue that you "transferred" the gun to yourself (by making it), and did so WITHOUT a background check (on yourself), without the waiting period, without paying the semiauto tax, without proving you have been to and passed approved training within the last 5 years, without getting the Chief of Police or Sheriff's written approval before taking delivery, and without every other thing they can think of to add to that list.
Oh, and I do hope you are over 21...because if not, you're toast automatically, NOW....
All it takes is one court ruling. What ever that ruling is, its the way the law is applied from then on, until/unless a higher court overturns it.
I-1639 is yet another example of the victory of "sound-byte lawmaking". Passed by true believers with the aid of the un, and under informed. And everyone who didn't read the proposal ALL THE WAY THROUGH was underinformed!!! We were all told, repeatedly, that the law was about background checks and raising the minimum legal purchase age to 21 for semiautomatic assault weapons.
rest of what the law does wasn't mentioned. And it does a LOT!
None of it good, that I can see...