EDC Primary revolver, anyone?

Astra .38Spl, 6-shot snub!

Quite attached to it, but would really love a Redhawk .357 8-shot!

I picked it because:
  • revolvers make more sense here due to the condition 3 carry requirement for semis
  • S&W/Ruger are rare and expensive
  • Taurus are the only other common revolver and whilst some love them others seem to have issues so..
  • I found it at an excellent price
I carried a Taurus M380 for a while, until I realized my Glock 42 was 'about' the same size and was 7+1...so...........
do you have a pic of your set up with the gun and holster?

Great suggestion!
It constantly amazes me that holster manufacturers don't provide this.


etc., etc.

I really want to see a full torso with the holster and gun and how they are carrying. There's a few vendors that include this info and some even have videos (!) but I which it was the rule rather than the exception.

IMhO holsters are MUCH more frustrating to buy than firearms.
who actually ccws a revolver as their primary EDC, winter, summer, be darned?

< raises hand & waves>

not I got one as a truck gun, or I have one in the glove box, or I drop one in the pocket for quick runs to the stop and rob, or I tuck one when I walk the dog or cut the grass.....

what's the gun, what's the holster, why did you pick it?

S&W 642, or Taurus 605. One or the other, depending on whim.

Desantis Nemesis, Mika pocket holster, or Galco Triton IWB slightly modified.

Why did I pick? The Taurus was a whim, 10-12 years ago, that worked out. The S&W was part of the ongoing evolution of my carry, what I replaced a different snub with that had turned out to be prone to breaking transfer bars.

IMhO holsters are MUCH more frustrating to buy than firearms.


Oh, absolutely.
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way back yon for about 8 months of the year I OWB carried a 3" GP100 that was a Canadian Police trade in. coupled with two speed loaders I felt reasonably armed. in the heat of summer I carried a G36 though because it was easier to conceal with a reload.
Uberti SAA .45 LC, 4.75" in a IWB holster designed for a 1911. Loose fit, but it works. And Speedstrips in a pocket. Every day.
Once I get a custom IWB holster for my new Colt SAA .45, and swap out the grips with stag, I'll start carrying that. Why carry an Italian steel copy when I have the real thing. :D
Yep. Generally, I carry a 2.5" Model 19 or a 3" Model 65. In my neck of the woods, nobody's checking me out for a bulge under my jacket, so I'm not too worried about printing.
Almost always my .357 LCR with .38+p loads. If I want smaller it's my P32, bigger is a Shield 9. But almost always it's the LCR OWB at three o'clock in a Michael Kole custom holster.
I find myself carrying revolvers as much as a semi. I swap between 2 as the feelings/wardrobe sway.

SP101 in a leather side rig or a Smith 642 in the front pocket with a DeSantis.
I carry a snub 357 in the front pocket or front IWB. It is my favorite but can be bulky in either carry mode depending on type of pants, etc. I love IWB in colder weather and with jeans. Part of me wants to get a 3" revolver but another part of me wants the XDS-45 3.3 inch and just keep on keeping on with the revolver.
I have a 3" LCRx357 that I rotate with my LCR357. I carry them both IWB at 1:00. The LCR is in a Kydex holster from "JustHolsterIt" and disappears and is forgotten about. I wear the 3" in a leather Azula IWB in the same position... I notice its presence when I sit because of the additional inch of barrel. Have to shift it to 3:00 occasionally to be comfortable.
My EDC revolver is a Taurus Protector Poly in .357. For around town, I carry Critical Defense .38+P 110 grain JHP. In the woods, I carry .357 158 grain JSP. The Taurus replaced a SP-101, for the weight savings. I generally carry in an inexpensive nylon IWB holster.

My primary CCW handguns have been revolvers since I started carrying a gun in 1983.

I started with a Charter Arms Off Duty, then about 20 years ago transitioned to a Smith & Wesson Model 042.

I've also carried my 2.5" Model 19 S&W quite a bit over the years.

It's in my right front pocket right now.

Yes, I have carried semi-autos occasionally, but I consider a revolver to be my primary.

Recently, though, I picked up a Walther CCP that I'm putting through its paces with the intention of it becoming my primary CCW.
I carry a 642, in a pocket, usually no holster but sometimes in a cheap Walmart nylon pocket holster. Once in a while in a iwb holster from Hume.