East Texas buck, .243 Federal Vital-Shok

Gotta hit em where they live, I like the high shoulder shot, it anchors them where they stand.
In my area a deer that runs 50 yards, could be a 3 or 4 hour drag uphill:eek:
We found ONE DROP of blood and a chunk of flesh about a third to half inch. We have combed that blinkin' forest and we could NOT find him.


That sign indicates to me a brisket shot with a pass through no vitals hit. Either that or a leg shot with no bone hit. But in either case this is a lightly wounded deer. Not the calibers fault.;)

As far as a front on shot I'd be less than enthusiastic to pull that one off with a .243. The front on or front quartering shot is deadly and there is ABSOLUTELY no reason not to take it. Unless you are shooting a light caliber which may break up on bone.
The front on or front quartering shot is deadly and there is ABSOLUTELY no reason not to take it. Unless you are shooting a light caliber which may break up on bone.

No one said that a head on or a quartering forward was not a deadly shot, they are as deadly as a board-side or quartering away shot. :confused:

Uh.. I did state a valid reason why I do not take those shots. If you enjoy cleaning a deer that has its guts busted open, more power to you, I personally do not.
No one said that a head on or a quartering forward was not a deadly shot, they are as deadly as a board-side or quartering away shot.


Sorry if you got the impression I was aiming that comment at you. I just went back and read your post I hadn't actually read what you'd written about front on shots before. My bad.

I was just trying to make the point that head on shots are just fine with the right equipment. And depending on what bullet a hunter is using they probably shouldn't be done with a .243.

You have a valid point about busting the gut on a straight head on shot. That can be a mess.

H & H

No problem, I just wanted to make sure I had express my option clearly. Knowning how the written word can be misunderstood, I try to articulate my option without demeaning anyone. :)

Now, I'm not saying that if a buck of a life time walked out and I couldn't get nothing but a head on shot I would not take the shot. But 99% of the time I'm taking game its for meat and I want to save as much as possible, thats why I stay with the boardside and quartering away shots ;)
I've taken about 3 front-on shots in my life. Strangely, they just don't seem to present themselves to me that often. Or more likely, I wait until the deer turn away before raising up and shooting. I have to admit that there's a certain security in knowing that our rifle round has the oomph to power through whatever it may encounter in the front-on shot. Only one actually pierced behind the stomach, and quick cleanup with the water I always carry (can you believe that some folks go afield without water?) dealt with that. A pierced paunch is basically not a problem at all-- it's just masticated herbs and acorns.

I think I feel a new thread on shotplacement coming on. Stay tuned.
Springmom Don't let some people fool ya into thinking that your undergunned.

I used my .243 for years with one shot kills on all broadside deer. My wife and sister has been using it for the last couple of years for one shot kills on large mule deer/whitetails. Last year, same gun, 2 deer. 3x4 mule deer, 178 yds one shot drt bullet penetrated the shoulder spine and off shoulder. Recovered bullet weighed 51 grains(100grn gameking). My wife on the same day; one shot 40 yds double lung no bones hit, deer left a blood trail for about 150 yds. Difference; one hit bone and penetrated on an unaware mule deer, the other only hit lungs on a very nervous whitetail. Same results ONE SHOT KILLS. This year they teamed up again with my little :D 243 both one shot kills (again) My sister at about 150 yds, 3pt mule deer and my wife at 327 yds on a whitetail. The mule deer went about 75 yds on a rear quartering shot penetrating completely through both lungs same with the whitetail, it went about 30 yds on a broadside shot. Try to stay with the 100 grain gamekings, they have worked for me every single time.


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nice deer!!!!

Thanks, Marmark. I really love that rifle. It is sooooooo sweet to shoot.

In the first pic you posted, the lady on the left has a deer that looks like the TWIN of the one I shot!!! Same size rack and head, best I can tell. (Please tell me she didn't take it in the National Forest south of Huntsville... :D )

I appreciate all the help and the encouragement, guys. There are days that I feel a WEE bit odd going over to the range and being the ONLY woman over there. OTOH, today I was over shooting my .40 and lo and behold, TWO gals came up and were waiting for the all clear to start THEIR shooting. I am not alooooooonnnnnnneeeee!!!! LOL :D

Springmom who is GONNA GET THAT DEER YET!!!!!! ;)
1. 45.8 grains of IMR 4831 with 2.75 OAL CCI Br2 primer Rem Nickel Brass leaves my barrel at about 3275 fps
2. Nope I live in NE WA State both bucks were shot in our yard this year.