Easier to buy gun than beer--Failed ATF nominee Chipman

Eh. A small correction to post #15. You do not have to have the Minnesota 'permit to purchase' to buy a long gun (rifle or shotgun) UNLESS the gun is a scary looking assault weapon wannabe.

I had to have the 'permit to purchase' to buy a .22LR Remington 597 because it had the adjustable AR looking stock. Had I wanted a regular wooden stock version I would not have needed the 'permit to purchase'. This was about 10 years ago and perhaps the law has changed. It certainly was silly.
Eh. A small correction to post #15. You do not have to have the Minnesota 'permit to purchase' to buy a long gun (rifle or shotgun) UNLESS the gun is a scary looking assault weapon wannabe.

re-read my response. I stated that you needed a permit to purchase to buy a handgun or ar, but not a long gun or shotgun
There is a principle stated different ways, but essentially it boils down to
"the law may override reason, but reason must never be allowed to override the law"...

The intent of this is that while you (and any other reasonable person) might think the law is barking stupid, it doesn't change the fact that it is the law, and you cannot ignore that.
When the law is stupid, or silly or anything like that, the proper thing is always obey the law, and get the stupid parts changed through the established legislative process. or through a valid court decision.

Not easy. Not simple. Not fast. Not cheap, but it is the only legal way. And with enough support it has been done, so it can be done, and will be done when enough people make their will known.

For better and worse, that's our system.
No worries.

I should also add, the permit to purchase is only good for 1 year, after which point you have to renew in the city in which you live. After I moved out of Mpls I tried renewing my permit to purchase in Mpls and it was sent back to me because I moved to a suburb. I incorrectly assumed that my renewal had to be done in the city where I got the permit in the first place.
#11 ghbuckey said--
""You still have to show ID to buy beer?!""

For some reason those dadgum kids won't card me anymore

When they do card you, you have to give em a BIG Thank you!!! and maybe a tip.
When they do card you, you have to give em a BIG Thank you!!! and maybe a tip.

My wife would do that, me, I just grumble and say "are you serious??" :rolleyes:

usual answer is "I have to, store policy"