Easier to buy gun than beer--Failed ATF nominee Chipman


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“It’s easier to buy a gun than to buy a beer,” says failed ATF nominee Dave Chipman on CBS News 10/27/2021.

I heard Dave Chipman say that on the CBS Evening News with Norah O'Donnell Wednesday 10/27/2021 and thought there would be a pretty big backlash to his statement but the Google only shows me one article referencing it:


I am SO TIRED of folk saying idiotic, obviously untrue things on the news and not being challenged on it!!!

A few years ago in the Twin Cities MN in some government committee meeting about how we needed more gun control I listened to community activists and clergy members testifying that under age kids could just go out and buy a gun. I was watching it on TV and wanted someone to get up and say "that is illegal and I will take you to the police and you can give them the details, like who and where this is happening, and we can arrest some folk." Of course this didn't happen but the narrative remains strong---just like 'anybody with a pair of pliers and a paper clip can turn a Remington 700 into a fully auto assault weapon machine gun'.

Note the proceeding was hyperbole but check out what actually went over the network TV one time.

Jennifer Barringer, forensics expert for Fox News...
"A double shot weapon purchased at a grocery store..."
"The big difference between a hunting rifle and an assault rifle is frankly the scope..."

Good advice!

Disclaimer note for any PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) folk that might have gotten here by mistake. No grouse have been hurt or killed or put in danger during Dale's grouse hunting excursions. Well, very, very, very few. ;)
“It’s easier to buy a gun than to buy a beer,” says failed ATF nominee Dave Chipman on CBS News 10/27/2021.

I have a dream, that someday someone at one of those hearings when come candidate for something spouts that kind of crap, that someone would stand up and say, "I do not believe that is true".

"Are you willing to put your own money on that?"
Pick a figure (and be sure to pick one that would be something significant to the person spouting the BS. See if they'll take the bet.

Here's the challenge (for this case) you say its easier to buy a gun than a beer. You go out and buy a gun and I'll go out and buy a beer. Whichever one of us gets back here first with it is the one telling the truth!

I like the idea of challenging the activists, especially if you can do it in a (sort of) humorous fashion. Next time you get the chance, when one spouts off about kids buying guns (or any other illegal acts) simply ask them (in front of everyone) if they know this from personal knowledge.

IF they answer, then you've got them. In front of witnesses. If they say no, you ask "then why are you saying things you don't know to be true?" or "so then you're simply repeating hearsay?"

and if they say yes, then "why didn't you report the crime to the police?"
(and if it gets snarky, you could ask what other crimes they know about and refused to report to the police....)

Done right, you can have a lot of fun with these people, AND expose them for the barking idiots they are.
Of course, they'll try to shout you down. or shut you down, but, you can use that, as well. If even one person in the audience gets some doubt in their mind about the honesty of the gun control arguments, you've done a good thing.

Be polite, be controlled, without anger, sound rational, just hammer their statements (and never them, personally) don't make any false statements and never lose your temper, no matter what they say or do.

(and remember, threats can be reportable crimes...especially if you got independent witnesses or have it "on tape". :D
Sounds like it is time for a challenge. Pick a spot equidistant from a gun shop and a beer store. Each participant goes to a store to buy either a gun or a beer and returns to the starting spot. Whoever gets back to the starting spot gets to keep both the gun and the beer. I wonder if there will be any takers.
Now I want a beer….. Thanks guys!!

But I do like where everyone is going with this. I had one guy tell me about this story and say, “Well…. This IS Pennsylvania, and they have their iron grip on booze. Telling you when you can and cannot buy it. Where you can and cannot buy it/sell it, etc. But with gun stores everywhere in this great state, you tell the guy behind the counter what one you want, do the background check, and if you pass, hand over the cash and walk out with it in a few minutes…. So maybe it might be easier in PA.” Poor fella forgot that PA recently allowed grocery stores and petrol stations to sell beer.

Is it properly true that he is a failed candidate and he did NOT get confirmed by the Senate?? This would make my day.
Sounds like it is time for a challenge. Pick a spot equidistant from a gun shop and a beer store. Each participant goes to a store to buy either a gun or a beer and returns to the starting spot. Whoever gets back to the starting spot gets to keep both the gun

In a gun store open at 9:00 AM on a Sunday in NC, you'll beat the guy going for beer, can't sell until 10:00.

But what is beautiful is that it is a STATE regulation, it is there because that is what the people of the state wanted. Kind of like this republic was supposed to work.
I heard Dave Chipman say that on the CBS Evening News with Norah O'Donnell --- but the Google only shows me one article referencing it:

I believe that is because no one watches Nora's news in the first place.
She probably posted it on Google herself trying to get a like.

expert for Fox News

Now that is good stuff!
One can only hope that the 'experts' used on news broadcasts every night on other subjects - such as health, medicine, or consumer protection issues have a greater expertise.

I have a dream, that someday someone at one of those hearings when come candidate for something spouts that kind of crap, that someone would stand up and say, "I do not believe that is true".

Unfortunately, it will remain a dream.
You would be removed from that meeting/hearing as being a disruptive force.
Don't look now, but that silencing of opposing views (in person as well as social media outlets)
is going on all across this Country under the current 'open minded and inclusive' administration.

Regards the OPs post, thanks for the heads up about the views of the guy
who was to be placed in charge of our Guaranteed firearms rights.

I've heard that people have parties in which beer, and even cocktails, are served without an ID check or a liquor license. We need to close the cocktail party loophole.
what I was thinking of was that just filling out the required form for a gun purchase (not counting the time for the "instant check") would take longer than showing your driver's license to the beer clerk.

unless you're getting that beer at Walmart, where just getting to the checkout can take forever....:rolleyes:
and, Zuki, please, don't go there...just...don't....:D
Putting one's money where their mouth is.

Easier to buy gun than beer--Failed ATF nominee Chipman
A liberal acquaintance quoted this to me and I challenged him to pick the gun store of "his" choosing and we would put this to the test. Yes, we also bet a small amount. He did not take the offer and then claimed that his wife would not approve of him betting. A week or so later, we shared or last beer together. .... ;)

Sadly, too many people really want to believe this and will take this man's claim, to heart. .... :rolleyes:

Be Safe !!!
For some reason those dadgum kids won't card me anymore!

I understand that. I have a fine grey beard that with the proper costume would make me Gandalf.

Nobody asks for my ID except for the big chain stores that will fire the poor kid clerk if they don't check ID on EVERYONE. For alcohol, anyway.

Even the Walmart people don't ask for my ID when I buy an R rated video...I guess they can let that one slide..:rolleyes:
Agree that the gun topic in the media is rife with misinformation. I live in MN and I can tell you (for those that aren't familiar with the gun laws here) that in order to buy a handgun (or ar) I first had to apply for a permit to purchase, which is the first background check. Then, when I bought my firearm at the store I filled out form 4473, which was another background check. You don't need a permit to purchase for long guns or shot guns....just need to fill out form 4473.

I'm the guy that can prove the liberals claims that buying a gun might be easier.
I had a major surgery on my neck (laminectomy) can't say I recommend it.

I was having a hard time walking and not stumbling. Stopped at a C store for a couple beers, got up to the counter and the clerk refused to sell me beer.

She thought I had already had enough. I took a few moments and explained about my fouled up neck, and she sold me the beer.

No background check required, but I did have some explaining to do.

Naah, still could have bought beer easier than a gun.
where I live now, and have for some time, the bars close at 2AM and alcohol sales at stores also end at that time. Until about 6am when sales can resume. State law.

Other than that, the only restriction is proof of age (driver's license works for that) and of course the individual clerk's responsibility not to sell to someone who is already intoxicated.

SO, for me, to legally buy a beer anywhere beer is sold in my state, take beer to checkout, show driver's license, pay, leave with beer.

TO buy a gun in my state, legally, requires going to an FFL dealer, filling out of forms, and at the least an over the phone background check, and can require much more depending on the specific firearm being purchased. Under our current law, a semi automatic assault rifle requires a 10 day waiting period (for just one example)

Easier to buy a gun than a beer? Not in the state where I live, not legally, at any rate. And for the record, an illegal gun purchase is a CRIME, and cannot be counted in any buy gun vs buy beer comparison.

And, for those of you who would argue that there's no such thing as a semiautomatic assault rifle, mechanically and historically, you're right, BUT, in my state there is such a thing, legally, and has been since the most recent gun control law got passed a few years ago, it redefined ALL semiauto rifles as "semiautomatic assault rifles".
I would rant further about that, but that's something for a different thread, i think.

IF you live in one of the increasingly fewer places that still allow direct private person to person gun sales without having to go through an FFL dealer, without background checks, without paperwork of any kind (other than perhaps a handwritten bill of sale) you MIGHT be able to buy a gun easier than buy I beer, but I doubt you actually could.

If we start both at the same spot, hit the stopwatch and say "go" I'd bet money the guy going for the beer will get back with it, first. Beer is sold all over, while you'd have to find someone selling a gun person to person, and arrange a meeting and that alone will take more time than me going to the corner store and buying a beer there.

The entire point of this is credibility. If any applicant for ANY public office is so out of touch with reality to spout, and believe, such obvious BS, how can you consider them fit and competent to do the job? (and if they don't believe their own BS, then they are LYING INTENTIONALLY and that ALSO renders them unfit for public service, in my opinion).
If someone makes a statement that is so ridiculous and unbelievable, it's not worth the time to refute it. And it destroys their credibility.
it's not worth the time to refute it.

If no one takes the time to refute such obvious crap, then the people out there who know nothing about the subject WILL believe it. And that can cause even greater problems further down the road.

There is also a time factor involved. Such obvious crap needs to be challenged RIGHT AWAY. Not left for weeks, months or years, because by that time its become an "established fact" in the minds of the un and under informed.

No, its not fair, and we shouldn't have to waste our time doing it, but the sad fact is, if we don't, WHO WILL???