Earmuffs versus ear plugs

+1 vytoland

The energy transmitted to your ear when inside a building is typically more than when outside skeet shooting, or even up against a outside hard wall or ceiling. I've gotten a pretty good case of ear ringing, and shooting often tweaks it.

As such like Kraigwy, I use both.

If I was young just starting out / over again, I'd wear both good plugs and excellent muffs. If I could go back knowing I could make the ringing go away, I'd gladly spend $5-10k in today's $'s to do so.
I shoot outside.

Everything I have read would indicate that properly used ear plugs do more for you than muffs.

I use both. The first time I shot a handgun, there was ringing in my left ear. I was wearing only muffs. That was when I realized that even if it was my fault and I didn't have it on right, there was absolutely no reason not to wear plugs under the muffs.

The muffs do push my glasses into my head and get uncomfortable, so when I shoot my .22 I sometimes use only ear plugs. It's bolt action and it's got a long barrel (I think 20 inches) so it's like nothing at all with ear plugs properly used.

My mom's .22 I even double up for every time. It's shorter and has a muzzle brake.

Inside I would double up anyways. There was a person one booth down from us (the owner and his son) with an SBR AR 15. Must've been 10 inches. That thing was LOUD. Can't imagine something like that or a shotgun in an indoor range would be good for you even at another stall.
I will generally double up on protection when it does not interfere with shooting, plugs and muffs. Unfortunately when shooting service rifle (AR15) the muffs get in the way so I am down to just plugs. I am lucky enough to shoot at 2 different outdoor ranges so sound levels aren't too bad when outside. I DREAD shooting indoors, truly dread it. Something simple like 9mm after a while just starts to rattle me.

As somebody who has lost hearing due to loud musical instruments and car stereos over the years (only 37) I'll continue to preach this....TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEARING. Its not going to disappear on you in one day, all the trips to the range add up over time. All the other things in life add to this like loud TV's, car stereo, power tools, etc. One day you will wake up and notice you can't hear things like you used to. What seems like a normal volume on the TV will be loud to everybody else around you. You will find yourself asking people to speak up or not being able to hear them clearly in a conversation. Anybody that thinks it won't happen to them is fooling themselves, you just don't notice it happening until it's too late.
I always wear muffs and plugs when I shoot. In the military many years ago we did not have hearing protection and my hearing was damaged. The hearing loss can creep up on you and you do not notice it as much as other people notice that you are not hearing like you should. I finally got hearing aids and I can hear sounds that I have not heard in 50 years. Protect your hearing as it can not be fixed and hearing aids are only a crutch, and a very expensive crutch.
I have both but wear plugs 90% of the time. Plugs are handy, I have a pair in my pocket at all times. Having and using is better than being in a noisy environment with the muffs sitting back home.
But, with plugs, be sure to use the silicone foam type. They can be compressed and expand to fill the ear canal. And, they must be inserted well into the canal. I see many people who just sorta prop them on the outer ear doing no good at all.
The rubber foam plugs cannot be compressed and are worthless, IMHO.
hearing loss

I'm old enough to have grown up in the ol "rub some dirt on it" days when wearing protection for anything was considered sissy. We did not wear glasses, hearing protection, or worry about seat belts and smoking.

I can to this day remember losing hearing for days after a .22 Jet was fired in a pistol right next to me at the range. The sound was shrill and absolutely wrecked my right ear. Now, after 500 decibel rock concerts and thousands of rounds later, I lost about 60% of what I should have.

If you value something, protect it. Do it well. What I would give to have the hearing back. I would hate to lose more of it, and certainly would hate the disaster of losing an eye. Stay safe, and demand all those around you do the same.
If shooting outdoor I would use earplugs, esp in the hot weather months. Ear muffs make it harder to shoot and also make it hotter for the shooter. Outdoor shooting also is not as loud as the sound can disperse in a larger area vs indoors.

Indoor ranges I normally use ear muffs, but usually only for light plinking and short-range pistol practice
I grew up using muffs, but after a few years, all the ones I had interfered with aiming, so my dad switched me over to plugs. I still mainly use plugs for shooting (North Comfits 26dB NRR), which are silicone plugs. When I shoot my .44 Mag, I bust out the HOWARD LEIGHT 30dB NRR muffs to go over the top.

I'm getting my 4year old daughter a pair of pink muffs for Christmas, rated for 31dBs NRR.

Having worked at Grainger for 6.5 years, I started noticing that there is a huge difference between all the plugs and muffs out there.