Ear protection when hunting with Weatherby magnum?

I hope he has a cornea reattachment tool nearby.

I'd love to watch him hunt (through a spotting scope.)

Yes, I'd double bag those ears...(those attenuating muffs with low sound enhancement are nice. They might interfere with spot weld, but I wouldn't go without them.

Jeeze, does this guy know what he's getting into? I hope this wasn't a sale motivated by the guy behind the gun counter.
Wear the ear plugs. I cant Imagine how loud that thing s is. I have an Armalite AR-30 300 win mag (with a muzzle break) and that thing is loud . The 460 will be a good bit louder than that. ANd that is just obscene.A good bit of the expanding gases (and noise) will be redirected directly to your ears.
I WAS shooting a 300 mag Encore with a brake. When you touch it off, it's like in football when you get a good hit, kinda make your nose tingle! The barrel is now on it's way to Kentucky!:)
Yeah, its hard to beat a good 300 mag with a good break. SHoots like a 223 , hits like a 50. Well maybe not as hard as a 50, but you usually kill it just as dead.