Dumped 5 cow moose today!

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Henry, it's time for you to get informed on wildlife management, at least in the state of Alaska. Game biologists are not fish cops, the State Troopers' division of Fish and Wildlife Protection are the "fish cops". Fish Cop=police, biologist=biologist. Do you see a pattern emerging?

I used to work for the ADF&G as a tech, and I can tell you from experience that the equipment is far from brand new. Much of it is rebuilt old trash which I wouldn't use on a personal basis. Again, the Feds have the brand new stuff. I live in the unit that F-D manages: it's larger in area than the state of Rhode Island, he alone manages and studies the game in it, and his budget is $55k/year. Of course, I actually looked into this instead of ranting about things of which I know nothing. Why study moose?
These cows will provide info on winter body condition, pregnancy rates, carrying capacity and survival for our local, heavily hunted herd.
Conditions change, populations change, information is always useful.

So, you think there's too many moose in Anchorage, yet you don't want a hunt to cull the numbers. Hmm, shall we ask the moose to stop breeding? Issue condoms? Live capture them and ship them to zoos? Please, I'm fascinated to learn your solution to this dilemma.

BTW, the ADF&G tech who runs the Rabbit Creek Range has been employed by the department for over 20 years. Not an overly high rate of pay for that much experience, IMHO. Not to mention that his knowledge of firearms is incredible, which increases the safety and enjoyment of all who shoot there. Pretty good bang for the buck.
OOps, sorry BadMedicine! I was speaking in general terms about Hillsiders being against controlled hunts. I actually have many friends up there from when we used to live in Chugiak. I wish more Hillsiders had your practical approach toward these things.

Giz, :o. I got wound a little tight there...

You planning on relocating here? If not, nothing going on in March. Our guys do the bear surveys and bald eagles through out the year but no ops for anything fun!


Overpaid State Workers and Rabbit Creek etc-

Greetings all, FYI Lee has been replaced for some time now. Some gent named Rod who knows absolutely nothing about firearms. too bad for Lee. He had the gravy job of the century and an exclusive on certain gun work. Lee's a licenced and experienced bush pilot and troopie graduate. Sorta a wasted asset eh? I can't say this was an individual attack here but just a rant against the government nipple. In my day the government job was frowned on, nowdays it's a huge national/state welfare system that grows incrementally daily. Natures laws aren't so complicated as to require a Boston education. The strong survive the weak, or in our particular case the State is eating the peasants. I've got two freezers full of chemical free food, of course I hunt. As far as the Feds having any say here? Yer kidding again ain't ya? Britain and Tony run this state not the Feds. Check the price at the gas pumps and follow the money. Have you ever wondered why there's no county governments here? Who was it that said they had friends that drank but wer'nt drunks?? This is Alaska right? Most folks I know do drink, of course I'm not one of Prevo's crowd. I've gotta run but thanks again Officer Sir for the conversation and reiteration of my points. If alaska is short of moose then breed some and whole your at it let's get a few herds of Roosevelt and Rocky Mountain Elk. A little Alaska trivia folks, we voted to move the capitol to a city on a road where we could go complain but they refused!//thanks again, henry
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