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Me and a buddy were at the range one day, and discussed this same thing. He tried alternating fire with each pistol, a Glock 19 and a XDM .40. I tried trying to fire them at the exact same time. I was little be more on paper than he was, but that's not saying much. We kept the "unfamiliar" pistol in our weak hand.

...On a different note, I hate that you can dual-wield shotguns in Modern Warfare 2. So many people complained about that nerf saying it was unfair to punish them for their "skill" with them. Not much skill needed, especially since they had the range of a SMG... but now I am starting to rant...
So no one ELSE has been practicing to be able to pull off the back-flipping, double-target-suppression, evening gown assassination maneuver?


Freaking WASTE of time. I don't know why I bother sometimes. Think of all the hours at the Range-Gym I've thrown away.;)

I've seen it done effectively to take out multiple opponents in a CQB situation - in airsoft. As someone else mentioned, without recoil, all sorts of things become much easier and more feasible.

Looked amazingly cool, though.
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