Drop Your Own Weapon.

I got in an arguement today over a television program "Lost."

In it, a three person group armed with 1 Sig, 1 AK, and 2 1911s is surrounded by unseen island natives carrying torches. Their leader has another one of their friends held hostage with a pistol. He demands they drop their guns and leave the area and they will get their friend back alive. At first the trio protests, but then drops their weapons, gets the hostage back, and leaves unharmed.

My question is...would you ever drop your weapon? Even in this situation?

It is my belief that the moment you handover your weapons to an aggressive party is your quickest path to immediate pain/death. My friend said they did the right thing and had no chance of making it out alive being "surrounded" by a group of hostiles. I figure if you shoot and move quickly the surrounding party will have more to deal with than if you were an unarmed sap who they could do whatever they please with after your disarm.

Was I right in saying never drop your arms, even in this "impossible" situation my friend disagrees with? I mean, if you started to fire and move in the dark it wouldn't be simple for the surrounders (not even sure if they were armed) to be able to shoot completely accurately.

Opinions and theories all welcome.
My question is...would you ever drop your weapon? Even in this situation?
No, pull a Wyatt Earp maneuver and pick out the obvious leader and single him out for execution if they do not meet your demands.

Explain to them or him that if he kills the hostage there will be no reason not to kill him.

I was offered a job in Kuwait and Iraq awhile back.
My plan at the time was to carry multiple hi caps small caliber handguns.
I had no delusions of fighting my way out of any hopeless situation. It was simply to piss them off enough that they killed me on the spot instead of making sport of me later.
I think the same theory would apply here.

Before I am accused of spouting macho rhetoric again.
I don't see this plan of action as manly or heroic , but rather an example of self serving cowardice for which I would make no apologies in the hereafter.
I'm not afraid to die I'm scared silly of it hurting a lot
Not really sure what advice to give you, but the Wyatt Earp idea is a trip. :)

Most officers I know have a formulated plan on what to do in those type "hostage" scenarios...
3 armed vs. 1 armed? No way; never. Even if you have a derringer and the other guy(s) have a machine gun.

You want my gun you can pry it out of my cold dead hands.

if you drop your gun your putting your absolute trust into your enemies hands. if someone has a gun on your friend or even loved one, and you drop your weapon, then you have forfitted all your pull in this ordeal. he can then kill your loved one, then kill you before you can pick up your gun. this is usually a no win case, but if you can convince him to let your partner go, and make him trust you, that you wont hurt him if he does, then you both might get what you want. but i wouldnt let go of my weapon. i know it would be hard not to if i found some creep holding a gun to my mothers head and yelling "drop it or shes dead", but you just cant do it. its kind of like the sleeper hold in wrestling, the best defence is to not get into it in the first place. be aware of your environment, and use your sixth sense when possible.
I will NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, EVER!!!!! give up my weapon! At least if I'm armed, I still have a chance of fighting. If I'm unarmed, I'm at the will of my attacker.

I'm sorry, but I'm at NOBODY'S whim, except for my Lord and Saviour.

I’ve never negotiated a hostage situation but in college I did an independent study course on hostage negotiation and one of the rules of negotiation is never give any weapon to the hostage taker. Especially not yours. For all you know they don’t even have a real gun they could be bluffing and you just blew your shot of ending things without anyone dying. Not to mention if I had a rifle at point blank range I wouldn’t be afraid to take the shot. But it would be wise to inform him if he kills his hostage he will definitely get killed in return.
I believe you were right in maintaining that it's stupid, and just short of suicidal, to drop your weapon in that case.

If you think you are in a bad spot when you're armed and surrounded, how in the hell do you think you improve your lot -- OR retain any kind of bargaining chip -- if you give up your weapons?!

That's just MORONIC. The characters/writers were moronic for doing it; but what's worse is that people who have the luxury of considering the situation at leisure could not see the abject danger in giving up your weapons to people who already are threatening you/your group with death.

Hell yes I would give up my weapon....

If it was in the script and I was being paid $100k per episode :)

My whole squad over in Iraq promised each other that if we happened to be the poor bastards that some insurgents tried to take hostage that the next time America saw our smiling faces would be on CNN with a KA-BAR and a hand-grenade, not on Al-Jazeera with a hood and an AK at our skulls.

Never give up the weapon, boys. They may keep their promise, but then again, they may not....and then where are you at?

...I'm not afraid to die I'm scared silly of it hurting a lot

True...so true. Can I steal that? LOL
Never drop your weapon - you're a statistic if you do and the bad guys never honour their word; they live to use that 'Terminator' line in their finest germanic accent

"I Lied!"

If it comes to a fight or light moment, shoot the one who is talking the most; if anyone moves shoot him next. Fairbairn and Sykes, who characters who designed the F-S Commando knife for WW2 Army Commandos, stated emphatically in their training that:

"When you are faced with numerous armed enemy, shoot the first one that talks - he could be a catalyst for disaster, then shoot the first one that moves - he's started to think and is, therefore, dangerous."

Two interesting individuals who materialised from the Far East at a time when their country needed unusual people to take a devastating style of warfare to the enemy. There is a fascinating tale about their arrival at Wilkinson & Sons [the Swordmakers] to talk about their design for a fighting knife for the Army; when lost for words on a design point, one of them grabbed a ruler and stalked the other around the office. It was done in such a way that Messrs Wilkinson and Son never forgot it!

Strange how, in times of all out war, such people appear, do the deed and then are forgotten because their skillset is unsuitable for peace.
Saw the show - yelled "Don't do it!" then, and I still agree. Jack should have moved in on the bearded guy, put the AK up against HIS head, and tell those torch bearing clowns that we WILL leave, but we are taken Kate and will NOT give you are weapons". (but then Jack shouldn't have gone running through the jungle screaming for Mike when they had an idea what they are up against either).

My PD sargent told us way back when then if any of us were being held at gun point, too &^%king bad - he was not given up his weapon. I agree.
The British Soldier:
...shoot the one who is talking the most...

HAHAHAHA!! Wyatt Earp humor from a Brit...I love it!

Strange how, in times of all out war, such people appear, do the deed and then are forgotten because their skillset is unsuitable for peace.
Those people are always there, and they are always considered stains on the white linen of civilized society. However, people eventually realize that it takes a certain character to do a nation's dirty work....and a thankless job it is, at that.
Could be why so many of us feel so lost after returning, eh? Can't really market my skillset :)
Never give up your weapon. I refuse, REFUSE, REFUSE, to put myself at the mercy of ANYONE if I can help it. Let them know if they kill the hostage, they immediately follow them. Cowards that take hostages are just that.....cowards. When faced with absolute death, most will opt for life.

I'd inform him tht his buddies may kill me, but I will DEFINATELY take his ass with me.....
First one to throw a threat my way dies. People who threaten are almost always the leaders of the group. In any event, during a hostage situation, I refuse to negotiate. Especially for the one thing left keeping me alive.