Drop the Knife!

So.... ERRainman

What happened? You said you wouldn't leave us hanging. Now that we've all spouted off, one way or another, what's the punch line (no pun intended)? :D
As stated in my original post. Pleasant endings for all.

Doc hit it right in his first post. The SUS GUY was just playing a joke. Probably gonna be a mock knife fight for the added value entertainment value. I wasn't there. It was an LEO buddy of mine who was on vacation, with his wife, who thought things were gonna get dicey :D

SUS GUY only spoke Japanese, and the chef only thought in Japanese. Anybody here bi-lingual? What language do you think in when TSHTF?! It's kinda like training. You train to react a certain way so that it becomes automatic when you have to act.

The only suggestions any of us had for our buddy was to draw, but not aim at SUS GUY initially. Now we weren't there, but he agreed that he could be ready for a snap shot to COM considering the distance. Besides, he's an MD and has a lot more to lose than the average LEO when it comes to standards of living. And no, he doesn't have deep pockets for the legal defense if the whole thing went bad.

Lucky stiff, now he's got a great place to eat for free anytime he goes to the beach because the manager came out and quelled the entire episode by confirming that SUS GUY did work there (which is what the chef was so vehemently exclaiming in Japanese) and it was just a joke.

Someone called the local precinct, so by the time the uniforms showed up, my buddy had his badge out and, of course, now is in good with them. That really helps when he drives his little red sports car around at the beach :D

Morality?! Now this is interesting. I like the way topics bring up issues that are central to all of us and who we are, how we live, why we think about the things we do, etc.

I would be hard pressed to walk away if I had a superior weapon, but then it could have been the real thing with more thugs waiting in the wings. Sphincter tightening, eh?
