drop-safe shotguns

That scary "clack, clack" may not be so great if the bad guy happens to have an AR15 or an AK. He will know right where to spray. And cheap mil surplus FMJ rounds go right thru sheet rock. The "hold the gun sideways bad ass gang bangers" won't even know what it is, but they will know where it is.

Isn't this getting a bit OT? The question was if a Mossberg is drop safe and it seems that all agree it is not. There are plenty of other threads on whether a pump shotgun should be kept with a round chambered.
Don't understand why people with home defense shotgun don't already have one chambered and ready to go. Why the extra step?

You must not have followed the rest of the thread. Most shotguns are not drop safe with a round chambered and the safety on. This can lead to NDs if the gun is leaning against the wall and falls over.

That and the potential that someone comes along and negligently pulls the trigger on what they thought was an unloaded gun.
I don't have a concern with someone pulling the trigger, but I do not want to invest in a wall-mount system just to have a shotgun be chambered. I have plenty of guns that I can safely keep chambered if I feel I need to. I just never knew just how sensitive they can be.

thanks for everyone's feedback
The Mossberg is a hammer block safety. Moving it forward clears the post from the trigger bar.. I have fixed a bunch. Most use a plastic safety button with a metal plate under it to ride over the detent ball. The plastic button breaks and the detent plate, detent ball/spring all fall away. I usually replace with an all metal button.
Mossberg has a hammer safety stop.

The internal hammer on the Mossberg 500/590 does have a safety stop not found on other slide action shotguns. This safety stop is analagous to the safety stop on the hammer of the series 80 Colt Govt. Model. The function of the safety stop in both cases is to stop the fall of the hammer should the full cock notch on the hammer fail to retain the hammer.

Here is how to check this function on the Mossberg 500/590 series. With the unloaded shotgun, pull the trigger to drop the hammer on an empty chamber. Then open the action approximately 3/8th of an inch then close it again. The internal hammer will now be held back by the safety notch. If you pull the trigger at this point the hammer will be released fron the safety stop and fall with very little spring impetus.
The security of the hammer isn't the issue here.

The firing pin is free to move forward when dropped on the muzzle or butt.