Driving to Mexico from the US.... and carrying?

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I was wondering if a US Citizen, who legally posseses a CCW pistol permit, what are your thoughts on bringing the gun concealed with you while, say, drving to Mexico for a vacation?

Very very bad idea. If you are caught, you WILL do time in a Mexican jail, and it HAS been held that the crime committed in Mexico will wipe out your 2A rights in the US. Don't do it. An American CCW permit means less than nothing down there, and Mexican jails are not quite 5 star hotels.
Perhaps every MEXICAN criminal.. Do a Google search on guns into mexico, driving into Mexico etc. Lots of NOT good ideas!
Be safe, (here) CraigJS
There was an American FFL, whose name I don't remember at the moment, who spent time in a Mexican jail and is listed as a felon by BATFE now because he forgot a few live cartridges in his car when he drove across the border to a restaurant.

Wanna try your luck?

Two words: Mexican jail. Have you ever seen Midnight Express? I would no more take a gun into Mexico than I would, oh, taunt a full grown tigress at the zoo. Leave the gun at home.
Mexican jail, shakedown, more Mexican jail, Mexican cops laughing at you when you want to talk to the consulate, more Mexican jail...

You really want to be in a third-world prison even after everyone and their cousin gets a bribe out of you? Go right ahead. Otherwise, leave it at home.

There was an American FFL, whose name I don't remember at the moment, who spent time in a Mexican jail and is listed as a felon by BATFE now because he forgot a few live cartridges in his car when he drove across the border to a restaurant.

Boy, that guy would have gotten it twice, doing that, going across to a restaurant in Mexico. Now he's a felon and he probably got Montezuma's Revenge.
Why would you even WANT to go to Mexico in the first place?

I can say there's a good chance that I will NEVER go there in my life.
No, I'm just presenting a hypothetical scenario about say if someone brings their pistol concealed into Mexico.....

To make things interesting, suppose I decide to drive my brand new V12 Bi-Turbo, Mercedes Benz SL600 into Mexico to surprise my grandmother for her birthday and to take her for a spin in my new car.....

Wouldnt me driving around Mexico in a $200K Mercedes Benz draw negative attention?
I personally know some one that spent 3 months in a Mexican Jail Because he had a 30-06 round floating around in his floor board! Did He know it was there? No!

No Sir Don't go there!:eek:

The little dotted line on the map Mean stuff!

Are You For Real???? Have you lived a shelterd life or WHAT?

thallub said:
novaDAK said:
I can say there's a good chance that I will NEVER go there in my life.


haha there's lots of places in the world I'd love to travel to, and Mexico is NOT one of them! Actually I've only been out of the USA once, and that was a few years before 9/11 when I went to Canada for a vacation :)
My father hunts in Mexico and its a pile of paperwork for each shotgun he brings, on top of stuff from the local sheriffs office sayin his criminal history is in good standing.

then when you get to the border they check each gun and make sure you have the proper paper work for each gun. You cant have so much as a missspelled name or one number on any of the serials wrong or else they confiscate the guns and you go to jail.

I dont know if you can bring handguns into the country or not but if you can im sure you could expect it to be even more difficult.
The sign at the border reads something like "Firearms and Ammunition Illegal in Mexico"

If you take one anyway and have to use it for self preservation, your only logical option would be to flee the scene of the incident.

Unless you are prepared to act and think outside the law you should not take the risk.
Taking a gun or even a ROUND into Mexico is as perilous as bringing back a load of cocaine. They are looking hard for it and you WILL say again WILL do 2 years in Mexican jail if discovered.

Bruxley Taking a gun or even a ROUND into Mexico is as perilous as bringing back a load of cocaine. They are looking hard for it and you WILL say again WILL do 2 years in Mexican jail if discovered.


If they would only spend as much effort and energy to stopping their peoples from jumping the border illegally into the US then fine....:rolleyes:
Have it well concealed at the border and after that La Mordida should take care of it.

Disclaimer:I am not responsible for bad advice that could lead to death or imprisonment.
Don't Drive into Mexico

As a Texan that has been across the border and has owned businesses near the border the last thing you want to do is drive through Mexico. Border cities or flying into a tourist area like Cancun are OK but do not drive into the interior.

Doesn't matter if you're carring, You can loose everything you own!!!!
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