Drinking & Carrying?

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It's the weekend, you're going out with your wife, girlfriend or some of your pals for eating and drinking. You know you're going to have a few beers - Are you going to carry or leave it at home?
Simple, don't drink and carry. If you are involved in a shooting and you have alcohol in your system you are in serious trouble.

I don't drink at all anymore. I would rather be able to protect my loved ones than get buzzed.
Simple, don't drink and carry. If you are involved in a shooting and you have alcohol in your system you are in serious trouble.

^^^^AGREED. drinking and carrying is a BAD idea. legally you will be in trouble if anything does go down. and when drinking things tend to go down that wouldnt go down if sober. my advice carry your gun and drink pepsi:)
A No-brainer. Don't drink and carry. If you can't have fun without drinking then leave the gun at home.
About once a year I have a glass of wine with a leisurely dinner in a local restaurant. I doubt that will impair me and it certainly isn't illegal here to do so.
I don't drink, but I see the conundrum. Remembering that you are not on your own premises, which changes the context... do you go undefended because you figure you'll have a few beers, or do you go defended, thinking that you'll only have a few beers?

In truth, that question can be answered only by you. I have friends that I wouldn't trust with a slingshot when they're sober, let alone drinking... and a very few that I would (be more prone to) trust with a hand grenade if they were totally sloshed.

From a legal perspective, Nocturnus has it exactly right.

The person with alcohol in them is faces an uphill battle. Even if they did everything right. I don't drink, and if I did I wouldn't drink and carry.

Just from the first few replies, it appears that c.c. has done more for a sober America than AA could ever dream of accomplishing.
In my state, Nevada, the standard is the same as for driving.

AND, it's STRONGLY recommended that one does not drink alcohol while carrying. You simply leave yourself open to assault from the system, whether it's criminal or civil. Much can be made from you having alcohol on the breath and it's one more thing you'll have to answer for, even though you may overcome it if you're well within legal limits.

I'll enjoy an O'Douls from time to time when out to dinner.
That's a no brainer. Even one drink's worth of alcohol would open you up to a whole new world of legal pain. Given the climate these days, it's an unspoken zero tolerance.

If I'm out and about, It's soda, tea, or water. Even if I'm not carrying I rarely have one drink if I'm out to dinner. It's too expensive.

I'll stick with the FAA regs on this one. 8 hours bottle to throttle, and you better not have more than .04% BAC when you preflight in the morning.
Don H wrote:
About once a year I have a glass of wine with a leisurely dinner in a local restaurant. I doubt that will impair me and it certainly isn't illegal here to do so.

It is here in NC. You cannot drink at all while carrying.

Personally I think this is wrong. When I'm drinking I have a tendency to mouth off more and certainly need a gun when I P__s off the wrong person, usually the wife.
Don't drink and drive or carry !!!

In my state, Nevada, the standard is the same as for driving.
Pretty much the same in Iowa and since Shall-Issue this has been an on-going question. In fact, a buddy of mine was really wrestling with this issue. Why, you might ask. Becuase he is one serious drinker and he and his wife, get hammered about once a week. :eek:

I told him to get a pistol case that can be locked and carry it in the trunk. Suggested that way before he starts, he locks it up. .... ;)

In Iowa, you can go into a bar and drink but once you reach the legal limit, the "Permit" is invalid and you will be procecuted. Last year there were a number of permits that were revolked for various reasons and legally being intoxicated, was one of them. :)

Common sense prevails and;
Be Safe !!!

Man that is a bad combination.

alcohol and guns do not mix...if you are in a shooting the first thing they are going to do after you take a ride to the station is to book you..then they will do a toxicology report on your blood.

if you have anything alcohol, cough + flue medication or any substance that will impare your judgement you are is a world of hurt.

Don't do it.

When I'm drinking I have a tendency to mouth off more and certainly need a gun when I P__s off the wrong person
I know that was a joke, but that's exactly the reason it's illegal to drink and carry. I know we all like to think that we'd be fine, but I for one am glad that the angry drunk down the bar doesn't have a gun either (at least in the places with metal detectors).
Much like driving, carrying a gun is something that should only be done when you're fully aware of your surroundings.
Isn't it, carrying in a building that serves alcohol for on-site consumption=Bad gun owner?

Personally, I don't drink.(For obvious reasons.:))
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Life is too short to give up things that I enjoy just to carry a gun 100% of the time. I am still in my 20's and drink on the weekends, usually more than I should. I carry a blade while drinking and leave the gun at home. If I get killed or harmed because I decided to drink and not carry a gun, or go to a certain social event were guns are not permitted at all, then so be it. I would rather enjoy life to the fullest than be careful 100% of the time and missing out on things. Gotta take some risks some times, and even then most people don't carry at all, so it's really not taking a risk deciding not to carry. I am not saying that I cannot live without drinking, I am simply saying I am not willing to give it up just so I can carry all the time. Also when I drink i'm not going out there pounding 15 bud lights, I actually enjoy good beer and wine and trying out different types. So I don't drink just to get drunk I actually enjoy the taste.
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