Drill Here, Drill Now

It doen't do any good to argue with a liberal tree hugger, since opposing facts don't matter. Points of veiw differing from what they want to believe, just send them scurrying to Google up facts that support their argument while ignoring opposing facts. I have a liberal acquaintance that spends hours digging for supporting opinions from such "respected" sources as The Huffington Post and loading up my email with crap. It's the environmental whackos that have gotten us in this mess in the first place. That doesn't mean I want to breath polluted air or drink dirty water, I just want sensible environmental policies, not a bunch of silly, feel good nonsense with regulations imposing on our freedom. Do we need to explore new technology, of course. But until we can find a energy source in as plentiful supply as crude oil we need to develope our huge (but so far, untouchable) oil resources.
I actually own a small interest in two East Texas oil wells. Not enough of the royalities come my way to make me a Beverly Hillbilly, but enough to supplement nicely. To speculators, any mention of the USA changing their rediculous energy policies will lower their expectations and send crude oil and gas prices down. I am for the USA drastically changing their energy policy even though it will reduce future royalties to me.
Even our oil rich enemies must think we are crazy. I really would like America to not become a third world country for the sake of future generations.:barf:
If you don't agree with the petition, just don't sign it.
FYI - Half of the oil that comes through the Alaska Pipeline goes to Japan. They paid half the cost to build it and that was the deal struck.

FYI - Alternative energy projects are often as difficult, if not more difficult, to permit (environmentaly) than conventional energy sources. Wind turbines can wreak havoc on bird populations.

FYI - More energy is consumed during the production of ethanol than it can provide.

The list goes on. Nuclear is the real answer for electrical power. Horses may be the answer for transportation. Where is Pegasus when you need him?
Quoted for truth but with better spelling

to Speculators, Any Mention Of The Usa Changing Their Ridiculous Energy Policies Will Lower Their Expectations And Send Crude Oil And Gas Prices Down.

"FYI - Half of the oil that comes through the Alaska Pipeline goes to Japan. They paid half the cost to build it and that was the deal struck." Barber2678

I've lived in Alaska for 35 years. I watched them build the pipe line. I've watched all the issues on who owns what when it comes to the pipe line. And never have I ever hears anything that indicates the Japanese paid for a part of the cost for building the Trans-Alaska pipeline.

I spent two years on an advisory panel affiliated with the pipeline. No mentions was ever made of an interest in ownership by Japan.
[/QI've lived in Alaska for 35 years. I watched them build the pipe line. I've watched all the issues on who owns what when it comes to the pipe line. And never have I ever hears anything that indicates the Japanese paid for a part of the cost for building the Trans-Alaska pipeline.
I spent two years on an advisory panel affiliated with the pipeline. No mentions was ever made of an interest in ownership by Japan. UOTE]

A drunk in a bar somewhere can utter some nonsense and the next day it's all over the internet as fact. It would absolutely make no sense for Japan to have any interest in the Alaskan Pipe Line.
Not that much of anything our government does has to makes sense.:confused::confused:
Drill here drill now, period. Any improvement is better than none. Armchair quarterbacks need not respond. Better to light one non energy-wasting candle than curse the oil black darkness. Esigned. Americans need some relief soon, or towns, hospitals, families will have to shut down. Think the housing fiasco is bad now, wait a few. Repos will abound. Energy costs are not being absorbed.
Yes, I am a broken record with the same relevant message. Does anyone even fathom that many American families will be not able to afford a new hybrid, superduper gas saving car, or find a job in town, or a house just blocks away from their job, or grow their own food in quantity sufficient amts, to lower their gas usage?
families will be not able to afford a new hybrid, superduper gas saving car, or find a job in town, or a house just blocks away from their job, or grow their own food in quantity sufficient amts, to lower their gas usage?

I agree. I can give you the names of three co-workers who were let go because they couldnt afford to drive to work. They would make it mon-thursday. Most fridays they called in and to compound the problem, the company was insisting people show up on Saturdays.

These were good, hard working guys living paycheck to paycheck. But between wife, kids, health care, food, you name it... something had to give. That something ended up being gas.
Darren, call me paranoid, weird or whatever, but I kinda feel in my bones that our government saw this gas problem bigtime coming down the pike, and foresaw the crashing of businesses and towns. Coincidently, there was alot of footdragging in the illegal alien influx. Easier to replace its working citizenry with illegals who could live a bunch in an apt or on premices, who wouldn't bitch about economic losses, and could be paid in cash. Tinfoil hat off now.