New member
What's yours? Mine would probably be, as my name denotes, the HKMP5SD6. Damn.......that gun rocks......My second choice would be a Barrett .50BMG "Light Fifty". Now THAT brings new meaning to the word overkill.........

"hey where'd the deer go"?

"You can run, but you'll just die tired"
Being the "Full Auto" forum...
I'm currently drooling over the FN P90. Seems someone went back to square one, checked the requirements, ignored the "but ya gotta do it this way" urge, and created a new gun that's very effective (well, we'll see when field results come back), compact, usable and generally slick.

But since you mention "rifle"...
Ditto on the Barrett .50BMG. I'll settle for an Armalite AR-50. Why? Mostly because some very powerful people think citizens shouldn't have them...and history shows where that leads.
an ump in 5.56 with the old g3/hk51 telescopic stock (not the mp5 telescopic)
as for rifles, either a remington 700 in 300wm, or a dragunov..
the .50 is too heavy to drag around with ammo for extended periods of time if you're gonna stay out for more than a couple of days...
Colt "Commando" M16.

11.5 barrel, Phantom Flash Suppressor, A1 Upper, Ashley Outdoors "Same Plane" rear sight, Surefire light and Giles Sling.

John Hollister
George took the words right outa' my mouth....M2!! :D
I have had the pleasure of shooting many different full-autos. I like 'em ALL, but IMO, you just can't beat a proven and RELIABLE belt-fed.
Ever since the first belt went through my A4, I have become hopelessly addicted, and I have this uncontrolable urge to have bigger and badder belt-feds. ;)
I saw an ad while ago for Mini-gun recievers and parts, and started drooling. Whatabout a 20mm Vulcan? NO, Wait, a 30mm Vulcan, YEAH, THAT'S IT!! Whatabout a.....NNaaahhhh, oh well. :confused:

We ARE the Militia!
A multi-barrel particle accelerator cannon....well you said DREAM subgun...

For real, I'd like an MP-5SD Vollmer conversion .45ACP....
I've found over the years that things that look cool don't always shoot cool.

That being said, my ideal subgun would be the MP5 in 10mm. I think H&K calls it the MP10.... Saw one that a local PD has and was very impressed.

Dollars aside, a AR-10 Flattop with a supressor seems to be the best bet. Had the Ar-10 hated the mag cost and the muzzle brake. Have a DSA on order.

I like the AR series and have a lot of fun with my Car-15 parts gun, but don't care for the .223 round. I guess I'm just used to the controls as I carried a gov issue for years.

Heavy stuff - the M2 is the Granddaddy. All of the ones I had in my arms room were older that anybody in the Battalion and had so many ANAD stamps, that the last rebuild dates were almost unreadable. Over 20 months of range time and very few jams. (being in Europe helped - had some problems with dust in the desert)

The Mk19 is another a$$ buster for folks on the wrong end. Nothing like a 40mm GL with a 2K range.

Rifle: PSG-1, gotta love it..
SMG: H&K MP10, possibly SD...
Assault rifle.. gimme my G3A3...
and for support.. ma deuce...

well i would have to say and MP5K-PDW, small AND accurate, with a silencer, scope, and hell a laser sight for good measure. Maybe a trimag but that would be too heavy. as for rifle i would go with a Barret light .50 just cuz its give and con practicly blow s**t up.....hey do they make explosive tip .50 BMG rounds???....well do they?
well, as for "explosive" rounds, you have the norwegian multi-purpose round...
(pentrite, phosfor, and a tungsten(?) penetrator inside)

fun through a macmillan or light fifty :)
MP5 in 40 S&W or 10mm for a subgun.

I'd take the Barrett M82 or a McMillan bolt gun in .50 for the rifle.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
My Dream Gun......


The supressor would extend forward maybe 4" & would wrap back over the barrel for expanded voulme. Not real effective but it would be compact & would elliminate muzzel flash & maybe reduce the sound to less than deafening levels. It would be field reversable for right or left hand ejection. The combiniation forward grip / Tac-light, would pivot forward, would have a quick detach & and could be replaced with a bipod. There would also be interchangeable butstocks for a custom fit. It would have a crisp, short trigger pull; breaking cleanly at 4 lbs. And Oh yea! it would shoot 1/2 MOA, weigh 5.5 lbs. as pictured & would cost $299.95 minus the federal tax rebate on the purchase of any firearm. :)
Sorry for the resurrection, but I'm new and this looked like fun

I've had this thought, while an H&K MP5SD6 would be great fun, that a guy could take and H&K53, Re-chamber in .300 Whisper, fit it with a Sure-fire scout light, a sound suppressor, and an EOTech oh and a telescoping stock. That should be great fun.:D
I would have no use for owning a full auto gun. I can shoot a full auto anytime I want so therefore there's no reason for me to own one. However, I would love to own that crazy looking Serbu shorty shotgun. Looks painful to shoot with 3" loads, but would probly still be cool to own and keep for HD use.