Drawn Handgun For Defense.

on duty several times. only twice did i have pressure on the trigger. i have shot many a person but with less lethal ammo. the first time was just as stressful as a real shooting i would guess, to me anyways. after that shooting less lethal wasn't as stressful. i will say it is just that less lethal. that means you can still kill someone with it if it is placed wrong not skipped etc.

i was on a work crew where one idiot tried to test my limits. he almost got dead by me and the rifle guy covering the whole crew. i had pressure on the trigger and so did the gunner covering all of us.

another time we had a drunk actually try to break into one of the units and as i caught up to him he started digging in a bag threatening me and damned near got dead. he pulled a bottle to drink it before he went to jail. that was the closest i ever was to actually pulling the trigger on a lethal round.
Thousands upon thousands of crimes are prevented every day in the US by citizens who brandish a handgun in self defense without even firing a shot! But then again, you should only draw your weapon if you have the utmost intention of using it.....

I think some criminals can just take a look at you and tell whether or NOT you will shoot him/her...And back off accordingly
You should never pull your weapon unless you’re going to use it; I did it anyway because I felt threatened.

Even though that tactic is taught by many self defense/shooting 'instructors', it is rubbish and it's taught only to cover their own asses.

It's amazing how self preservation begets common sense and puts that silly 'never-unless' notion to rest.
From the balcony of a bungalo my cousin held a pair of truck burgulars at shotgun point as his wife called police and then me. Living next door I threw on my shoulder holstered Glock 21 and ran in cutoff pajama shorts to the scene. My cousin had two badguys sitting on his tailgate crapping in their pants. He asked if I could check for his ruger that he had forgotten to bring in that evening. I made a giant loop to keep away from both the 2 badguys and the crazyman with a shotgun LOL. I find the gun (still in the truck) when I hear my cousin yell "sit your arse down". I immediatly looked up and saw one of the badguys stand and take a step towards me. I drew the 21 and said get back and they did Immediatly. Cops came and took the pair to jail and thanked both of us. They said nothing about the Glock or the shotgun just "thanks guys".


This guy walks into the pawnshop that I worked at. The trench coat this unsavory looking character was wearing catches my attention. This guy heads across the room, straight to my partner, never looking at me. As he makes his way about half way through he lifts the left side of his coat open with his left hand and reaches under his arm as if to grab a holstered gun. I immediatly start to draw. As my pistol begins to clear leather, I see the back end and side of the gun this guy is pulling from under his arm as he himself begins to clear leather. My Glock 20 now climbing his leg and pressure is being applied to the trigger. Just then I realize that the pistol this guy is pulling is a bb gun. The kind they sell with a dart board. To make a long story short this idiot actually pulled and pointed this bb gun at my partner before asking for a loan on it. He told my partner he wanted to scare him. I came about a short hairs thickness from shooting at this guy. My partner froze after being caught off guard. We threw the guy out and called the police.