Dr. Laura Schlessinger changes her mind.

And ain't it interesting that in the latest issue of Newsweek (Motto: Pinocchio ain't got nothing on us--think about it), their "If You Are a Gun Owner, You Might Be a Potential Mass Murderer" issue, they have a picture of Brady reading off his latest plea to control guns--WHILE SURROUNDED BY ARMED COPS!!! I had a chuckle at the picture. It had "hypocrisy" written all over it.

Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
I, personally do not listen to Dr. Laura BUT my mom listens to her all the time. My mom is against guns. I told her about what Dr. Laura is planning and suddenly she agrees that Dr. Laura is doing a "brave" thing. If this lady can get through to my Mother, there is hope believe me! :) Dr. Laura has alot of influence on women, I think she is the perfect person to have on the pro-gun side!
Dr Laura is right that the internet can be a threat to unsupervised childred. Kids need parental supervision and some type of filter.

Also DrL has been stung by an old boyfriend who published a bunch of nude photos of her on the evil internet.(I checked them out). She lost her lawsuit to the first amendment.

I listen to her program now and then. The best thing I see is that she appears willing to change her mind based on additional information.I cant argue with that.

Better days to be,

Dr. Laura lives somewhere near Los Angeles. It is impossible to get a concealed carry permit there unless you are someone like Dr. Laura. She needs to understand that she has an option that none of us have because of her celebrity. Former Navy Seal firearms instructors can't get CCW's LA, yet she is considering getting training from one. I hope that she will join those of us in California who believe that you should not have to be a star to have the right to defend yourself.

The Second Ammendment is not about the right to hunt.
I will admit I have not heard much of the good Dr.'s musings on the radio, but I have read some of her opinions. I will accept the good that Mr. Ed Brunner sees in her thinking as long as she specifically announces that the GOVERNMENT is not or shall never be an alternative to a parent. Consequently, no law made by said government shall be parent-like in nature. The government shall not be a moral guidence counselor with the power of imprisonment for those that do not tow the party line. Families shall be left alone. Untaxed, Unwatched, Unregulated, Un-dependent, and Unified with those that they choose to associate with(Skin color or ethnicity shall not matter to Us because we only judge character which makes more sense.)
And now on the heels of this comes the announcement on TV last night that some show (I can't rememeber which) is going to do a story on a book that is a "Tell all" type thing that "may ruin her" ... I'm usually not prone to conspiracy theories, but the timing on this just seems too perfect.

I have listened to Dr. Laura a lot. I will summarize her positions.

Take responsibility for your own life. Raise your own kids. The liberal institutions in this country are anti-family and out of whack. The President is a bum. Quit whining and do something about your problems. Follow the 10 commandments. (She wrote an excellent book regarding this) Faith is the key to a cohesive family. Etc.

If Dr. Laura, Rush, and Judge Judy ran this country we would all be in better shape!

(I agree with your post, by the way)



The Second Ammendment is not about the right to hunt.

Dr. Laura offends a lot of liberals. She makes people uncomfortable because she speaks the truth. She is a natural target for them.

We need to show our support for her and for her beliefs.

The Second Ammendment is not about the right to hunt.
MountainMan, I agree with you, I just find the timing of the release of tis "news" to be a bit convienient, shall we say. It's not her book, it's a book by some slimeball that's trying to smear her...

I think, in general, that her philosphy is on the mark as far as being responsible for ones own action goes.
For all her conservative positions I found it rather hypocritical that she would JUST NOW be changing her stand on personal defense.

I thought independence and responsibility extended to ALL facets of life.


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!


[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited August 19, 1999).]