Dr. Laura Schlessinger changes her mind.


New member
Dr. Laura, on her August 11 show announced she has changed her mind about gun control. She is looking for an instructor and intends to get trained on how to use a gun. The Atlanta shooting and the Jewish center shooting, plus her experiences in touring Israel have changed her mind.

If you want to hear it from Dr. Laura herself, go to http://www.broadcast.com/premrad/shows/drlaura/aug.stm
select the August 11 show, and advance your Real Audio player to 02:45:00, the last seven minutes of her show.

I never would have believed it.


[This message has been edited by bruels (edited August 13, 1999).]

Wait. Make that <font size=3>BOGGLE.</font>

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
She is an intelligent woman with lots of experience in the human condition. It doesn't surprise me.

In LA a nut job shoots up a Jewish center, he gets away and the LAPD is clueless as to who and where he is. Like a typical large PD they run around and play army while he takes a taxi to Vegas.

In Israel last week a Palestinian terrorist tries to kill several Israelis by running them over in a crowded marketplace. The Israelis blow his butt away before he does much damage.

I think Dr laura is smart enough to wake up and smell the coffee!

Geoff Ross
She's still in the "heavily regulated" mode, but I expect that to change as she gets more educated on the topic. Interesting -- and encouraging -- that I only see people changing their minds one way...I have yet to see anyone go from a freedom nut to a statist, but plenty who go from a statist to freedon + gun nut.
The Force is with us!!!!

Bruels, I wonder if there's any way you (or someone else here, for that matter) could contact her to tell her about TFL if she wants to get educated about guns? Whoa, can of worms. Do we want her on TFL yet? Things that make you go "Hmmmm...."

"Is fhe'arr teicheadh math na droch fhuireach"
-Sarabian Oomodo

If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP!

A firearm isn't a weapon until it is used as such.

I'd say wait until she's got some exposure first (not the kind she got on the net last year, y'understand). Get her a little more flexible, *then* introduce her to us fire-breathing radicals. We probably scare off more newbies than we realize, between the political harangues and the gungeekery.

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
She said in one day she has received about a three inch stack of fax'es congratulating her and offering to teach her. She said originally in her program she was looking for a police officer or deputy sheriff for instruction.

She said she was leaning towards taking a former Navy SEAL up on his offer because she figured she ought to learn from the best.

I was going to send her a fax suggesting that not everyone who says they were SEALs,Special Forces, SAS, etc., are who they say they are. Also, not everyone who is a great shot is necessarily a great instructor.

I know a fellow in Whittier, Greg Block, who I would recommend to her. He runs a school for beginners regularly. In my experience, that is the most challenging part of instructing firearms. Keeping a beginner interested without overwhelming him or her with BS and most important, showing them that shooting well and safely is not difficult, but fun.
Gungeek, now there's a term I've never heard before ![p]
I like it, much more Politically correct than Gun Nut. :D
Will history will define the late 1990's as the Gungeeks time of arrival as was the 1980's for Computer Geeks ? ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
K80Geoff: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>.....he gets away and the LAPD is clueless as to who and where he is. Like a typical large PD they run around and play army while he takes a taxi to Vegas.

BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! 'Yer killin' me!!


"America is at that awkward stage.
It's too late to work within the system,
but too early to start shooting the bastards."
--Claire Wolfe
Great, I can see the news story now.

NY Times
"Dr. Laura storms CBS radio studio and opens fire on Howard Stern and crew. Dr. Laura left a letter detailing the circumstances of the shoooting. The contents of the letter stated that after Schlessinger had received proper training and waited the mandatory 10 day period or her purchase of an Uzi 15 magnum assault 12 guage revolver, that she could finally settle her score with Stern.
Stern, a famous radio Schock Jock was critically wounded in the buttocks, but appears to be in stable condition. Sterns only comment on the shooting.."F Jackie."
Dr. Laura remains at large despite the continued airing of her live broadcasts."
Phillip>Uzi 15 magnum assault 12 guage revolver

Hey, where can I get one o' them puppies, & do you know of a source that makes either an IWB, shoulder holster, or ankle holster for it? ;)

I think it's very significant that as someone else pointed out, the only conversions one sees on this subject are anti to pro, never the opposite. People always eventually move toward freedom. We just have to get a lot more of them moving a lot faster than we are currently.

Shoot straight regards, Richard
The Shottist's Center forums.delphi.com/m/main.asp?sigdir=45acp45lc
This is truly good news. While I don't get my hopes up, it is logical to me that intelligent people ... and, logical people, will usually come to this conclusion.

Dr. Laura can help the RKBA is great ways, both with our Jewish community and female listeners. No offense ladies, but our female population in the U.S. is literally dangerous right now. Too high a proportion have allowed themselves to become carried away with emotion in the last year's events. If more women don't get a grip on logic soon, they may indeed find they've 'done it for the children' ... and destroyed our Constitution and severely damaged our society by stripping away this ancient philosophy of the RKBA.

I will always be fascinated at how so many Jewish leaders and organizations are anti-self defense. I joined JPFO (Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership - http://www.jpfo.org/ - they happily welcome gentiles) in the past year precisely because they offer such a logical and compelling argument for the RKBA. Perhaps Dr. Laura's actions will inspire her Jewish listeners to also reexamine their perspective on this issue. Many in current Jewish leadership roles seem to have skipped their history classes.

If Dr. Laura truly becomes educated in this subject, she could become another informal spokesperson for truth in this debate. We need those folks very badly right now. I wish her luck, and I respect her intelligence and courage in reexamining her perspective on the RKBA.

(Please recognize here that I am expressing concern about the political efforts of what appears to be the majority of our female and Jewish populations. I fully recognize there are millions in each group that do respect and cherish the RKBA. Like the young lady in the airport last evening, who overhead my conversation, and thanked me for defending the RKBA.)

bruels, thanks for the heads-up, and the good news. Interesting clip.

Regards from AZ.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited August 14, 1999).]
It will be interesting to see how many of the mainstream media types pick up on Dr. Laura's decision and pass it on to the unwashed & ignorant.
I hope she gets a first hand look at the Anti-gun BS we have been going through. Whether she likes it or not,she'll have to become involved to protect it.

I congratulate her for waking up and wish her good luck.
Any way to contact the lady and congratulate her on her "trip to Damascus".

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
Good points, Ground Level.

I, for one, am rather surprised that no one here has taken offense to her contention that the real culprit is the EVIL INTERNET. Yes, that's right, ladies and gentlemen: the electronic interactive medium that allows for instant access to more information is BAAAAD!

Folks, the Internet is a tool, just as a gun is a tool. You can spread or feed your hate, or you can foster and garner knowledge, comeraderie, and love. It's all just as easy.

Dr. Laura's terror of this medium is another manifestation of an irrational hoplophobia that originally made her afraid of guns. Fortunately, she's rechanneled, somewhat. But this woman is unstable, and I'm not really certain that I want her for our posterchild. Listen to the way she treats callers, and tell me this woman is wound tightly.

She states that every major shooting incident lately involved someone who was involved with the Internet. I doubt that fellow on the NY subway was on the Internet. Were those LA shootout boys on the Internet? What about the 10 year olds in Jonesboro AR? And how did we account for them 8 years ago?

Look, I'm glad to have her for us rather than again' us, but let's not tout her as representing us, 'kay?!?
Hmmm, sounds OK on the surface (Dr. Laura's comments). I'll go with the wait and sees on this though. Jane and Ted also believe in the right to own guns,,,,,for themselves that is. The hollywood celebs also cry out for controls on the guns of everyone,,,,except their armed bodyguards.

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