Doves look to be pretty safe, from me anyway

Current reports do not sound good on the presence of targetable critters. Dad says noone is seeing much in the way of dove even on fodder rich fields. Even shooting and missing is funner than not shooting at all. :(
Dove hunting is just a passage of seasons. It starts here in
Mississippi, Sunday after 1400 hrs. At 1900 hrs or so the Dove breast will be on the grill and the talk of the comming hunting season will begin.

Every time us dumb butt city boys try to plant some wheat we get a good rain.:(
Selfdfenz, WNV doesn't work directly from a bird to you, unless you're dressing the bird and have open sores on your hands. Cooked? No problem.

Mostly, just make sure you have some Deep Woods Off if there are mosquitos around your hunt-area.

I love going out for Dove but I have bad luck. I think I've gone out three times firing over 150rds and NOT ONCE did I recover anything. I could clearly tell I was hitting them, but they were just too dang high.

I think you need to roll out the AAA sometimes. If you need to eat.
Many years ago I bought an old Model 12 from a buddy of mine. 12-gauge, 30" full choke.

Now, those old guns were "full choke" with paper shells. With plastic, mine is somewhere between "extra full" and "rifle". Using high-brass 7-1/2 heavy loads, I've managed to kill doves and quail out to 40-50 yards. Heck, got one bobcat with one shot of 7-1/2s at 25 yards!

It's a big mistake to center a bird at 10 or 15 yards, though. Puree.

:), Art
"On a serious note I can't help but wonder if we peps could be at some risk cleaning and eating gamebirds we harvest this fall with the West Nile Virus thing out and about. I heard a report that birds can have many times higer levels of the virus in their systems, and still operate, than can humans. "

Don't worry about it. I got some paperwork in yesterday from the LSU Ag Center Vets about the West Nile in conjunction with my horses and cattle. This paper had all of the info in it.

Birds carry it BUT the ONLY way it is transmitted is by mosquito bite. A bird cannot give it to an animal, human or another bird. If a mosquito bites an infected bird and then bites another bird, human or horse it can be passed. if you are bitten by an infected mosquito you have a 1 in 150 chance of contraction it and if you do there is only a slight chance that it will develop into the serious disease.

If you are interested I wil see if I can scan it to a text file. It is too big to copy by retyping :D.
Thanks for the info guys.
None of the birds I managed to bag (it's Monday night and I'm home, naturally, by now) couldn't have had a thing wrong with them. They were flying fast enough to outfly the pellets.
Holly smoke that's fun.
Holly smoke that's humbling.
First "Wild Grill" of the season, this weekend.
Man, I love this State.

Thanks again.