Double feed FTE


New member
New pistol has experienced double feeds. Four failures in the first 400 rounds. Actually, it's a failure to eject as the shell casing is stuck in the chamber and another round is stuck behind it. What are the reasons for this type of malfunction?

Pistol is cleaned and lubed and the extractor looks good (as far as I can tell). So, I'm guessing that the recoil spring needs to break in, or the extractor is out of spec???
It's not a double feed. It's a failure to extract. The extractor is highly unlikely to be out of spec on a new pistol. Could be a bit of crud under the extractor though. Springs do not require 'breaking in' either.
You clean the extractor area of the slide thoroughly before shooting it? What ammo? And like Hammerhead says, what pistol?
Mind you, 4 failures out of 400 rounds suggests ammo vs anything else. It factory or reloads?
shell casing is stuck in the chamber

Does it eject easily when you drop the magazine and rack the slide per type 3 malfunction drills, or is it actually stuck in the chamber.

I had one a few weeks ago in my Shield, the first malfunction ever. I found the case stuck in the chamber so tight, that no matter how many times I racked the slide to eject, it would not come out. So a wood rod through the muzzle popped it out.

It was that the case swelled, cheap aluminum blazer and got stuck in the chamber. Didn't do that with any of the following aluminum case rounds, so I chalked that up to the particular round, but noted not to use aluminum cased ammo for SD.
Inspect the gun to see if the extractor looks ok or if there is obvious damage. Check that it is free to move and under spring tension to the amount the design calls for.

Look at the rim of the cases that didn't get extracted. Did the extractor just slip off, or were the rims torn through /bent, gouged? If they look normal, get some different ammo, and try it again.

DON'T try to fix it yourself, new gun, under warranty, let them do the "fixin"..if fixin' is needed...

its possible that your problem is the ammo/gun "fit" and the gun might be ok. Testing with different brands of ammo should show it. IF one brand does it, and 3 others don't, the problem isn't the gun, itself.

Shoot it some more, if the problem persists, contact the maker.

Good Luck.
What caliber and what ammunition ? I have been shooting my Colt Mark IV and Browning HP with my Ciener units, they are very ammunition sensitive.
M&P 9mm 2.0 4.25"
First time it happened with WWB 115 grain
Today it happened with Win NATO 124

When it happened, I locked the slide back and dropped the mag. Then I released the slide and then ejected the round. It came out easily.

Did not look at the cases. Extractor looks fine.
Forgot to add, yes I clean the extractor area. I've shot it four times and I've cleaned after every range trip. I hit the extractor with a tooth brush, then slide a t shirt patch back and forth along the groove.
There are too many other (IMHO “better”) ammo choices out there to try with a new M&P 2.0 at the 400 round mark. I’d try some Fiocchi or Fed AE or Blazer Brass 115 gr before I’d start to worry about gun malf problems.

Can’t remember the last time I even bought either WWB or Win NATO ammo.
I can pick up some Blazer for my next range session. 115 or 124 grain.

I thought the Winchester NATO was a "better" product than the Winchester White Box 115.
nanney1: said:
I thought the Winchester NATO was a "better" product than the Winchester White Box 115.

I think the Win NATO factory ammo is possibly better, I have used it in the past in my longer barreled 9mm’s, particularly my STI Trojan 9mm 1911, and it works fine but I don’t shoot the Win NATO factory ammo lately.

I think the Blazer Brass in 115 grain FMJs should work fine in your M&P but if you can get some BB FMJ IN 124 grain, it wouldn’t hurt to try it.
Called S&W, explained the malfunction, and they immediately emailed a shipping label. So, I have to decide if I'm going to try out some different ammo or just send it in.
I've owned a dozen or so M&Ps, with two of those being the 2.0 models. While I also prefer other ammo options than WWB or Winchester NATO, in my experience the M&P line of pistols generally has very good extraction and very consistent ejection. It's probably the aspect of those pistols I appreciate the most. In my experience it should work with the Winchester ammo. The M&P I did have extraction and ejection issues with did end up needing a trip to the mothership to get fixed. If you don't need the pistol in the short term, I'd personally send it out.

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I don't need it in the short term. It's really just a range gun that I might use for HD at some point. But I have others available until it returns.
I’m generally not a big fan of sending a gun back to the manufacturer if they’re not going to disclose up front what they are going to do to investigate the problem before they fix the problem.

I waited for 2 months after the Walther PPS-M2 recall hit the fan before I sent my gun in to fix the drop safe problem which instigated the recall. But the gun was working fine and I don’t like fixing what isn’t broken.

Some of the Walther forum scuttlebut back in Nov. was that the early recall repairs made the triggers a bit heavier & grittier. Some of the folks said that the guns were coming back with an itemized list of the parts that were replaced and that the fix was a replacement of mag release parts with upgraded versions. Walther wouldn’t confirm the repair that would address the recall, before I sent the gun in. So in January I sent the gun in, and it was returned in about a week. Luckily the gun came back at least as good as when I sent it out, perhaps even better, it shot @50 rounds at the range last week.
As it turns out, I bought a PPS M2 right after purchasing this M&P9 2.0. They've both been fed the same ammo and the Walther has yet to have a hiccup. So, while the M&P is back at the mothership, I'll be mainly shooting the PPS M2. Shipped the M&P back to S&W today.
Try again with a bunch of different ammo. Those little guns are ammo sensitive. I got a PF9 that can't handle anything except for hollowpoints. Put a mag with FMJ in and it will go thru maybe 2 or 3 rounds before having a jam.
Called S&W, explained the malfunction, and they immediately emailed a shipping label. So, I have to decide if I'm going to try out some different ammo or just send it in.

I had the same issue with a Ruger a little Way’s back and that was their response as well. If you can bear to be without your piece for a couple of weeks (great excuse to buy another!) I would send it back.

Likely an ammo or extractor issue, but why not let the manufacturer try their hand at it? Mine resulted in a new slide assembly, barrel, guide rod assembly, extractor... basically kept my polymer and trigger group and the rest is new.

Shoots like a dream now.