Door Reinforcement

How about a good dog that barks?

Guy I used to work with was robbed during the day when no one was home, and the robbers distracted their dog by opening up the fridge and pulling out food. When they got home, the dog was fat and happy, and they were cleaned out of everything valuable and small enough to carry away in a backpack. They figure the dog must have barked like crazy at first, but the neighbors didn't hear or pay attention before the dog was distracted.

A really, really loud obnoxious alarm system seems to me to be the best deterrent along these lines.
Door reinforcement

When they stole mu firearms and a few other things they came in the basement den window. The steel door was not an option.
The window frame was heavy aluminum and the windows were double panes and aluminum with aluminum cross pieces actually one pieces forming the traditional small panes. The lock was heavy aluminum.
The window was left unlocked and they must have had a ladder. Not smart.
They broke in while were at work and school as were our only neighbor.
They tried to break in at the rear windows especially the laundry room several times messing up screen frames etc but they didn't get in.
The broke in while were asleep via the kitchen door which is heavy and still there somehow. There are still pry marks on the door, at the old home.
The framing was solid around the doors and windows.
Our new home or new to us they broke in through the window wall windows which are the expensive double pane vinyl jobs by just prying and breaking the latch and raising it after removing the screen. We weren't aware of it until after we bought and had moved in. All doors and windows are drilled and wired for alarm system, which for some reason the people that updated it took out along with other things.
Someone is always here as is dog. and a budget is set for hopefully this summer to probably replacing them all. Not cheap. When we are gone there will be a house sitter.
I have ADT and no one can break in without an alarm going off. There are opening sensors on each entry point, there are motion sensors and glass breakage sensors. There are also cameras at each entry point and in key places inside. Automatic lights outside. Panic buttons. I can go to bed and arm the entire system. Once armed Im safe in my room. No one can make it to my room without an alarm going off. A motion sensor right outside in the hallway, on the stairwell and at the bottom and a sensor on my bedroom door.

When the alarm goes off its a high piercing tone in the interior along with lights coming on. It will wake you up and scare most people. Once the interior alarm sounds doubt anyone will stick around.

Ive tested it out to see if I could sneak past the sensors. Maybe an expert crook could do it, but I cant.

Highly suggest ADT.
I had ADT once, found out that they didn't bother to call like they were supposed to when the alarm tripped. I went to fake outside video cameras, so far so good. The houses around me have been hit, but the crooks seem camera shy.

I locked myself out and was astounded how easy it was to push in my back steel door. Locks just broke out a piece of the doorframe. Now I reinforced the doorframe with a strap of 3/16 steel about 4 foot long and longer anchor screws. I think it will suffice to discourage someone, probably would choose to go through a window now *snickers*
Something like this will work well:

Door Reinforcement,

My set up is close to the O/P's, strong door jam, with a deadbolt heavy duty screen door. One other tip. When facing the door, set main door hinged to the left side and screen door hinged to the right. The reason is, screen door has to be held open by something or someone to get to the lock/jam of the main door. This is not much but in an emergency every second or two can make a huge difference.

As a deputy sheriff, I saw a couple of cases where the home owner had steel doors and that kind of reinforcement. The bad guys crashed trucks through the plain old 2x4 wall, one through French doors. Another gang used half a railroad tie as a battering ram to drive a window air-conditioner back through the opening.

Sort of like those pick proof locks. Maybe the FBI picks locks, maybe the CIA picks locks, but I have never known of any burglar who picked a lock. Most burglars are about as subtle as an armored strike force.


James, you are correct, but I still go on the theory that "locks only keep honest people honest." If someone wants in my or any house badly enough they will find a way in, but I'm going to try and make them work hard to get in.
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