Don't ya just love the Movies?

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While I agree that the slug couldn't have shoved the deer 8 feet without also shoving the shooter back equally...

I will say that a .308 bullet hitting with the same "energy" as a .74 inch slug may not pose the same impact motion since it has all of the energy dumped in a tiny hole with much being expended by the very tip of the bullet hitting the animal while a slug is nearly a square inch of impact area thus, it is with more "push" imho...

I agree completely. But my example included the .308 being fired at a bulletproof vest, which transfers ALL the energy at once over a much larger area compared to a slug hitting a deer.
But the vest isn't just impenetrable... it is the act of dissipating the energy that makes it work even though it is pliable... Now a more accurate thing to look at would be if a guy wore an impenetrable plate of steel... Now that would be more "instantly" dumping the energy...

True. Though I think in the video he might have put a steel plate behind the vest. Another poster mentioned that, but I haven't seen the video in a while so I can't remember.
My family is big into muzzleloaders. A few years back my dad was on a hunt and spooked a buck above us on the hill side about 15 feet away. The buck jumped right twards us. He fired one of our 900gn bullets out of his .62 cal at about 10 feet. The deer flipped over backwards and landed on his back right where he jumped from.

This was the single best example of energy transfer I've ever seen. I didn't belive my eyes and I know two people that have kill the big five with this bullet. Just WOW.

So... it can happen. I've seen it.


Oh... I forgot. That 900gner kicks you just as hard :D
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This thread is all but dead... Having gone into anecdotal situations that do not prove beyond the body's response to gunfire to antagonizing remarks from all of the physics professors among us...

Since this only started as a thread about theatrics in movies rather than real gun discussion...

Shoulda' seen it comin' sooner I reckon...

So I will fare bidwell on this'n...

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